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Hi, I'm Rocketsocket420 And I am friend's with GOLDCRUSHER77, He told me on phone to apply so I am right now! I would love this position so I can Communicate and Protect the users from hackers and greifers From the survival world!




Diplomat: NO
Vote: No
Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 1
Teamspeak: No


Are you a Diplomat?Diplomat NO
Vote: No

Age: 10-16

Months of MuttsWorld: 1

Teamspeak: No


Hi, I'm Rocketsocket420 And I am friend's with GOLDCRUSHER77, He told me on phone to apply so I am right now! I would love this position so I can Communicate and Protect the users from hackers and greifers From the survival world!




Click here to view the application

You clearly aren't taking the job seriously, so your application is summarily denied until you read this (and prove you understand it): bit.ly/MuttsApply


Please keep in mind NOT to file a new application but to reply to THIS thread with your new attempt.

Are you a Diplomat?Diplomat NO
Vote: Yes

Age: 16-18

Months of MuttsWorld: 1

Teamspeak: Yes


Hi, It's Rocketsocket420, I would like to help With questions and give the answers, I am very trustworthy with my work+ I am very friendly to others, From,Rocketsocket420

Click here to view the application

You clearly aren't taking the job seriously, so your application is summarily denied until you read this (and prove you understand it): bit.ly/MuttsApply


Please keep in mind NOT to file a new application but to reply to THIS thread with your new attempt.

Why is it that hard to read someone's comment...


Well.. your new application has just been merged with the old one... and you've just ignored a direct request from an admin... "Please keep in mind NOT to file a new application but to reply to THIS thread with your new attempt. -DisturbdGuy" 


Not cool bro...

Why is it that hard to read someone's comment...


Well.. your new application has just been merged with the old one... and you've just ignored a direct request from an admin... "Please keep in mind NOT to file a new application but to reply to THIS thread with your new attempt. -DisturbdGuy" 


Not cool bro...

Sorry I didn't read it

 Then read it -> " Application Guide "


Please keep in mind NOT to file a new application but to reply to THIS thread with your new attempt.