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Did you know we depend on your votes? Please Vote! http://goo.gl/RsLpq Vote Often!

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Hello fellow muttworldians, I came here today to apply for the position of ambassador on the survival server. For one I think survival needs more active ambassadors, I am on at least 4-5 hours a day whenever I can be and life isn't extremely busy which is the reason I applied. I know all the commands that you require to be an ambassador. I am an ambassador on pvp, so I have some experience, but I do know that survival is a completely different ball game. I have been spending most of my time on muttsworld in the survival server getting familiarized with how everything works. I help out everyone I can (if blueberrywaffle doesn't get to them first :P) and I always welcome new players to muttsworld in noob chat. I try to answer all the questions in help chat.

I use teamspeak every day, I try to talk to people but they are always afk, have their mic muted or are in a channel I can't get into. I use IRC whenever I'm on muttsworld same with teamspeak. I have been around for about 15 months, more or less. I will continue to stay with muttsworld unto it's dying day.

I'm going to keep this application short but to the point, I hope you consider me for ambassador.

Talk to you soon, -Rexec_

Age: 18-24
Months of MuttsWorld: 15
Teamspeak: Yes


I like Rextec_ He does my job when no one else is on and I am asleep. +1

Rex is awesome!, I'm on survival all the time and he beats me to answer the question sometimes xtongue.png,Mic.86ZlZhEa46.png.pagespeed . He he is always on TeamSpeak and IRC and even though as he said " survival is a whole different ball game", rex has had lots of staff experience from being Ambassador on PvP.



aka andrewgosselin

aka andrewgosselin

woah woah woah. Rextec is andrewgosselin? What?

woah woah woah. Rextec is andrewgosselin? What?


one word: yup

I thought everyone knew...
Jul 06 2013 11:52 AM

I thought everyone knew...

I didn't!

I didn't!

Nor did I........ This may sound weird but I liked you better as Rextec than as Andrewgosselin....



+1 and who is Andrewgosselin?

Thanks for all the comments everyone! Also ackley andrewgosselin is my alt account, I just changed to this one; Rextec_
+1 For me. You do help a lot in chat and you are a very nice person. May the odds ever be in your favor. ~grenada111

+1 For me. You do help a lot in chat and you are a very nice person. May the odds ever be in your favor. ~grenada111

Is this the Hunger Games?

Very active, very helpful, very cool. Always on Teamspeak, not sure about IRC, I am never there. +1

Very active, very helpful, very cool. Always on Teamspeak, not sure about IRC, I am never there. +1


Thanks ben! Also I am on IRC whenever I am on MuttsWorld.