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Hello all, it's R0K99, and I am applying for the role of ambassador on the Muttsworld survival server. I had hesitated for applying, but after being prompted by a moderator and an administrator, I got the extra ‘push’ I needed. I often help others in chat, and promote use of appropriate chat channels and such. I often help players in help chat, noob chat, diplo and more. I am an avid user of TeamSpeak and use IRC often as well. I am very active on the muttsworld forums, hence my post count of ~470. I live in Nova Scotia, so I am sometimes on when other ambassadors cannot, leaving the chat vulnerable to spammers and other misusers of the chat. I can help moderate the chats during this time as well as others. I know many commands for the plugins that Muttsworld features, including the required ones for ambassadors. These include /fl (player name), /mute (chat channel) (player name), and /denoob (player name). I am a quite experienced muttsworldian, having started playing here late December 2011 for about 2-3 hours a day and maybe more on the weekends, totaling at about 11 months. I don’t want to get too in-depth on my personal life, but my name is Alex, and I am training for lifesaving and am 13 years old. I know there has been some controversy about young(er) people receiving staff positions, but I assure you, I am ready for this and will handle the position responsibly. I really want to give back to the muttsworld community, and help out in chat with a role of higher authority and I feel as if I would be well-fitted for the role of ambassador, and look forward to joining the staff of muttsworld.

Best regards,

Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 11
Teamspeak: Yes


Well written app, he has been playing for a really long time. I've known him since day one when I started playing here. I do see him helping out in chat, and he enforces the rules pretty well. +1 from me.
+1 Always been helpful and friendly to both me and the community.
The mute command is actually /mute player channel, but that isn't a big deal.
I think you could do it, you're not much of a try-hard ambassador wannabe, and you're not too annoying ;)
Only concern is that I'm pretty sure we don't really need more ambassadors during the times that I'd assume you're on at.
Other than that, sure.

you're not much of a try-hard ambassador wannabe

Sammich is right! You are not a try hard ambassador wannabe like me! :D
Nice app! +1 from me!
My name is also Alex. That deserves a +.69 :D
Long time, no see, however the impression R0K99 made upon thineself has lasted. He is beyond his years.
He is helpful...when he is on. I don't see you on as much as I used to but there is probably a reason for that. Also, only recently have I seen you on T.S.
R0K, I've always had good experiences with you, you're nice and willing to help 1+

He is helpful...when he is on. I don't see you on as much as I used to but there is probably a reason for that. Also, only recently have I seen you on T.S.

I've been on TS daily for the past 8 mo. but the times vary depending on my life IRL.

I appreciate all the comments I have been given, and hope for more in the near future.
Nov 20 2012 04:46 PM
+1 - Anyone who does a -1 gets a kick in the ass and a personal visit from Dr Callous and His assisstant : Nurse SlashthemintoMincePudding

Ive Known him for a very long time, hes ALWAYS on teamspeak, He has a russian Accent ,
He is extremely helpful to the chat and the server and likewise helps residentos with diplomatos problemos
In my experience r0k99 has always been respectable in his attitude & actions. I'll vouch for him being taken into serious consideration.
Hell yeah +1
Congratulations on getting it R0K!
Ambassar0k 2012?
Nov 25 2012 05:03 PM
Well, That was interesting, Nice to know you and ur laptop are hitting it off. [22:36] <@brownbiscuit> i just got a mild erection from my laptop charger.
Thanks r0k for the info on brown, now this font has captivated me -_-
Either ways, Gratulations on Ambassar0k2012, I wish you a gud time, first ambassaapp i agree with {all the others were just mild trollattacks}
Welp, goodday andddd oyu know, if i get muted, hintedy Hint Hint hintttttttttttt. Missed the wedding so yea
/me Slap Brownbiscuit