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Hi, I am qquuiinn, or Quinn IRL. I have been playing muttsworld at least on a weekly basis for at least 10 months now. My grammar is a lot better then other players my own age (13). I have never spammed or xrayed before or gotten muted. When someone asks a question via in game chat I always try to help. Recently, I even helped start a city; dsville. I understand that in order for muttsworld to continue as a great minecraft server it has to have outstanding mods, diplomats, and even players, too. Recently my parents got separated and my dad does not let me play minecraft at his house so i can only log on every other week on the weekends for a total of about 5 hours. In that time, however, I can be an excellent diplomat. Please consider my application to join the ranks of other great muttsworld diplos.

Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 10
Teamspeak: No


Diplos are the server's donators...so I'm gonna guess that you're applying for ambassador, which is what we call our chat mods...

I can be an excellent diplomat. Please consider my application to join the ranks of other great muttsworld diplos.

The fact that you don't really know what you're trying to apply for makes my thoughts side towards "No"
You've been here for 10 months (same as myself) yet i have never seen you in game. What's your timezone?

My grammar is a lot better THEN other players my own age (13).
Click here to view the application
