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I would like to apply for a Ambassador, I like helping people, and I have lots of Muttsworld experience, I know who spammers are, quite a lot of people on the server know me, I work in 2 areas, and I have become a boss of 1 region.
Spam is this:

jhbujvujevuenvebvhebvhbvh vb hevbhefvbehbvhev

So I would come in and stop this by muting the player who did it.

Age: 18-24
Months of MuttsWorld: 9
Teamspeak: Yes


You are not over the age of 18. This app is a lie.
LOL I loved how you gave us all an example of spam like we were in Kindergarten
What kind of self-respecting 18+ year old would have a Pokemon trainer as their profile picture? Or have a username like 'PoopyDougle'??

Also, catching spammers is SOOOOO hard. And I bet nobody took care of that TERRIBLE spammer you were telling us.
/end sarcasm

Age: 18-24

I do not believe that you are 18+

Months of MuttsWorld: 9

You have not been playing for 9 months. I had denoobed you the other day.

Essay: I would like to apply for a Ambassador, I like helping people, and I have lots of Muttsworld experience, I know who spammers are, quite a lot of people on the server know me, I work in 2 areas, and I have become a boss of 1 region.

You do not share any information you know about being an Ambassador, like for example how to mute someone or to denoob someone. Your popularity has very little to do with you becoming an Ambassador and I have a feeling +80% of the survival population know who you are. I also think you could put in a lot more effort in the essay.

This app is a lie.

First of all I am 18 and second of all, heard of "constructive criticism "? It's what your meant to use, not complaining about how I have a Pokemon trainer as my profile picture, or how my username sucks I know it does. Know why I was on noob channel? Helping the noobs. I work on another server, helping the newcomers and I am applying for a job in another server, I don't think there will be a next time, but if there is, use proper reasons.

You don't have to reply, I know that I won't become ammbassador purely for the reason that people will just complain

First of all I am 18 and second of all, heard of "constructive criticism "? It's what your meant to use, not complaining about how I have a Pokemon trainer as my profile picture, or how my username sucks I know it does. Know why I was on noob channel? Helping the noobs. I work on another server, helping the newcomers and I am applying for a job in another server, I don't think there will be a next time, but if there is, use proper reasons.

You don't have to reply, I know that I won't become ammbassador purely for the reason that people will just complain

Muttsworld is full of trolls that will make you want to pull your hair out, but if you can't even deal with some minor criticism, you're not fit for the job. Also, if you would have actually put some effort into your application, you'd probably get some more positive feedback.
nah you're not 18

I work on another server,

Even if you had a chance stating this just basically made you lose all chance. We like it if people who apply for staff are committed to the server. From my knowledge I don't believe that anyone we have hired as staff worked on another server at the time.
Nov 29 2012 01:15 PM
OK then, I kinda lost my chance LOL.

Oh well, I keep on being a Resident

No hard feelings? I work up ready to snap at everything that moved today.
OK then, I kinda lost my chance LOL.

Oh well, I keep on being a Resident

No hard feelings? I work up ready to snap at everything that moved today

I forgot I wasnt Logged on, my bad
Now i know i am not fit to be a Ambassador
To finish it off: Eighteen year olds don't use comic sans.

Oh well, I keep on being a Resident

You could become a diplomat.

You could become a diplomat.

But that involve my allowance :D

What kind of self-respecting 18+ year old would have a Pokemon trainer as their profile picture? Or have a username like 'PoopyDougle'??

........................ Clearly you never played it. Its a great game and I love Pokemon and I think his username is awesome. You sir fail at Troll. Also I know people over the age of 18+ that use Comic Sans. :mrgreen:


I think his username is awesome.

I like 'TurdGuy' better. or for you, 'Turdrokin' :mrgreen: