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Let me tell you a little about myself. My name is Kathy Arnold and I am a 4th year college student at the Ohio State University studying mechanical engineering. Outside of class, I work at the Barrett-Haverfield front desk, where I attend to the needs of residents, and also have a job tutoring for the Women in Engineering learning community. In my free time I like to read, fish, and play lots of Minecraft.

Back in early March, I stumbled onto MuttsWorld looking for a server my boyfriend (known as DinoFreakUSA) and I could play together. We attend different universities, but even when we're apart, Minecraft has always been something we could do together. Whenever I log on, I get to see all the great things we've built together, and it brings a smile to my face. I consider MuttsWorld a virtual home, and it's important to me that it remain a fun and friendly place for players.

I would like to become an ambassador for MuttsWorld Survival in order to gain the tools and knowledge necessary to help other players have as great an experience as I have had. With nearly four years of customer service under my belt, I know I have the skills to be calm and fair even when dealing with upset or hostile players. I already enjoy answering questions that come along in chat, and help out people when I can; being an ambassador will only give me more ways to help out.

Thank you for your consideration, go Mutts!

Kathy Arnold/Pixel_Moon

Diplomat: Yes
Vote: Yes
Age: 18-24
Months of MuttsWorld: 7
Teamspeak: Yes