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Did you know we depend on your votes? Please Vote! http://goo.gl/RsLpq Vote Often!

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Hello, I am a long time Muttsworld survival player and I would like to become part of the wonderful staff! I have not ever owned diplomat, and I understand if that will ruin my chances. I have been quite active lately, and have seen several people in need of a staff member, with none available. I would like to help out the community and make Muttsworld survival a better place for all of us. I would understand if you wouldn't trust me with the responsibility of being a staff, as you don't know who I am, and have probably not even communicated with me. I highly doubt I will get this position, and if so sorry for wasting your time. Thank you so much for considering my request and your opinion is what matters. Once again thank you, and bye! :)

Diplomat: NO
Vote: Yes
Age: 16-18
Months of MuttsWorld: 37
Teamspeak: Yes


Some things clearly need to be explained.
-If you're not a diplo, it doesn't mean that you have less chances to be accepted into the team
-Your application should contain information about how can you help the server, how would you approach certain situations/issues, not fillers, such as "I understand if you don't want me as staff, etc. etc."
-And in the end, you should read this guide, I guarantee it's going to be useful if you're going to try again
How to apply: http://bit.ly/28UjPSm

PS: If you're going to create another application, do not create a new thread, Instead edit the already existing application OR reply to this thread