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Dear Muttsworld staff,

I would first like to thank you for taking the time to view this application. I am currently playing on the server and find it to be a wonderful experience at times. I am always looking to advance in everything I do in life including in my hobbies. Minecraft is a way for me to get away from a stressful work day. I am not asking for a specific job or role. I am just asking for a chance to advance further and accept more responsibility in the gaming environment. I was very active in the World of Warcraft community but due to the many changes I decided to finally quit the game after seven years of playing. I think that I could bring my gaming experience and ideas to the table and help make this server grow and advance. I understand that I have only been on the server for one month but i would ask that you look past that and take my experience into consideration. I have played a lot of single player and although I still do not know every single thing there is about the game, I can always use my resources and fellow workers to find out that information that is needed. I have worked as technical support for a cable company when I was in college. I understand that customer service is very important as well as treating people like they are something and not a paycheck. I am not really looking for the power aspect of the job. I look more forward to the responsibility that comes with it and getting to interact with other people on the server.

Hope to hear from you soon,


Age: 24+
Months of MuttsWorld: 1
Teamspeak: Yes


Nice app, but what server is this for?

Edit: Derp. Good app, +1
Its for survival, if you click on the link 'Click here to view the application' it tells you.

Looks promising, +1
One of the better apps I have seen haven't seen him online though