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Hello Muttsworld staff,
I would like to apply for the mod position on survival today because I hate to see problems on the server and I would like to help fix them. Nobody needs a bugged server so I want to join together with the friendly staff members to help solve the issues. I also try to be as helpful as possible during a problem (Grief's,Violence,Chat Problems.)
I am an active player in the Muttsworld community and I have been playing for about 10 months, probably even more, and play almost every day so I will be able to serve and help most of the time.
I have only been banned off of Survival once for a big misunderstanding for griefing a player, but I would never intentionally grief somebody. My player name is also Panda_PvP_YT because I just had a name change so my former name use to be ProPandaMc360.
This server is one of the only ones I have been playing on that I truely enjoy to be on, and with this position i'd love to help out even more.
But I am also willing to improve if I make a mistake or if you have any problem with me.


Thank you for taking you time to read my application for this position.


~Panda_PvP_YT/ProPandaMc360 :-P

Diplomat: NO
Vote: Yes
Age: 16-18
Months of MuttsWorld: 10
Teamspeak: Yes


Are you a Diplomat?Diplomat NO
Vote: Yes

Age: 18-24

Months of MuttsWorld: 19

Teamspeak: No


Hello, i'm here to apply for MuttsWorld because I think it's a great server and has a lot of nice people and friends. :-P I should be staff because I have had a lot of experience with it because i've been a mod on a lot of my other friends servers. I know that being a mod is a huge responsibility and not everyone can take care of that. But I am always getting older and I have had to be responsible for a lot of things in my life. So lets get on about myself. Okay so i'm a very nice person and i like to help a lot of people when they need it. I'm normally very happy and funny so then i make people laugh obviously. I don't like to be mean to people and i don't like to yell but it happens to everyone. I would do things right and I wouldn't do anything bad or try not to do anything wrong. I will help players legally and fix griefs if i get asked to help someone. I'd love to be a part of staff on MuttsWorld and help the server grow even bigger. I don't swear or use any bad language nor do I do any kind of inappropriate things. I hope this application passes and that i can be part of the greatest server to ever live and be a part of the staff. It would be so awesome to do the things that staff do on MuttsWorld.


By,ProPandaMc360 :-P


Also everyone on MuttsWorld is awesome and cool.

Click here to view the application
Are you a Diplomat?Diplomat NO
Vote: Yes

Age: 16-18

Months of MuttsWorld: 10

Teamspeak: Yes


Hello Muttsworld staff,
I would like to apply for the mod position on survival today because I hate to see problems on the server and I would like to help fix them. Nobody needs a bugged server so I want to join together with the friendly staff members to help solve the issues. I also try to be as helpful as possible during a problem (Grief's,Violence,Chat Problems.)
I am an active player in the Muttsworld community and I have been playing for about 10 months, probably even more, and play almost every day so I will be able to serve and help most of the time.
I have only been banned off of Survival once for a big misunderstanding for griefing a player, but I would never intentionally grief somebody. My player name is also Panda_PvP_YT because I just had a name change so my former name use to be ProPandaMc360.
This server is one of the only ones I have been playing on that I truely enjoy to be on, and with this position i'd love to help out even more.
But I am also willing to improve if I make a mistake or if you have any problem with me.


Thank you for taking you time to read my application for this position.


~Panda_PvP_YT/ProPandaMc360 :-P

Click here to view the application
Are you a Diplomat?Diplomat NO
Vote: Yes

Age: 16-18

Months of MuttsWorld: 10

Teamspeak: Yes


Hello Muttsworld staff,
I would like to apply for the mod position on survival today because I hate to see problems on the server and I would like to help fix them. Nobody needs a bugged server so I want to join together with the friendly staff members to help solve the issues. I also try to be as helpful as possible during a problem (Grief's,Violence,Chat Problems.)
I am an active player in the Muttsworld community and I have been playing for about 10 months, probably even more, and play almost every day so I will be able to serve and help most of the time.
I have only been banned off of Survival once for a big misunderstanding for griefing a player, but I would never intentionally grief somebody. My player name is also Panda_PvP_YT because I just had a name change so my former name use to be ProPandaMc360.
This server is one of the only ones I have been playing on that I truely enjoy to be on, and with this position i'd love to help out even more.
But I am also willing to improve if I make a mistake or if you have any problem with me.


Thank you for taking you time to read my application for this position.


~Panda_PvP_YT/ProPandaMc360 :-P

Click here to view the application

1) Your age and the number of months have changed on all your applications


2) Start at ambassador, people don't usually jump to mod


3) I need to see you on more. I haven't seen you in chat except recently