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i think i am suitable for mod because i would like to help muttsworld more than i already do i know that this is my thrid appilacation but i am not the type of person to give up easily. In other words nomatter how many times you shoot me down I'll get back up and try again. I have started using channel help alot more and have been trying to help as much as i can. If i became a mod i would try to make people happy and welcomed when they are new. I know my chances are verry little but i whould be so happy to be a mod i dont know what i would do. Thats why i think i should be a mod. :)
from the hopefull,

Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 10
Teamspeak: No


Not to be a party popper, but if they keep denying/ignoring your applications this most likely means that you should take a hint. Plus your application is quite short and needs more info. Also I would start out small and apply for an ambassador. Also what server are you applying for?

Not to be a party popper, but if they keep denying/ignoring your applications this most likely means that you should take a hint. Plus your application is quite short and needs more info. Also I would start out small and apply for an ambassador. Also what server are you applying for?

Survival, it shows on url and when you go to staff app section

Survival, it shows on url and when you go to staff app section

well that wasn't the only thing that I was pointing out. But I didn't know that thanks for the advice.

If you can't spell application, there's no need in making one.


Edit: Mod's usually held to 18+, with maybe some exceptions.

ill start small than and try ambassador again srry for trouble

You can't start small for something that only requires you to have a knowledge of the people who play, processes, and commands. You either got it or you don't. 

i dont follow

That's not what I ment people above said start simple with ambassador and not mod
So I'm not it :(

Say it one post! :mad:

Here's a good tip, don't post on EVERY SINGLE APPLICATION IN THIS DAMNED SECTION to make yourself look more mature, helpful, or anything that you're not.


Kay thanks bai

So is oi done?
Thanks for the tip and not ment to spam srry
100%... Against this app.. One of the most immature and horrible players I have ever encountered..
Ow ok that hurt
I think you need to wait a few months longer, like 4-5 months. Because at this moment I know you better because all of your applications than in game.
I'll do that expect to see an app in 5 months
Please lock. Unless you seriously change your attitude and begin to respect your peers then don't count on getting promoted in 5 months time.
