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I am applying for the position of moderator. I think I am well qualified for this positions. I know that I am busy on L2D as a server admin, but from time to time when I have nothing to do on L2D and hop onto survival to play for a bit. I know how to do all the moderator roles as in tickets. I am very well inform with most of the plugins that we used, PermissionEX, Herochat, Population Density, Warpz0r, Lockette, Signlift, Worldguard, and McMMO. I think I will make a great part of the team. I am usually on IRC during the day, but not as much on the weekends because I am away much. Always on teamspeak.

Thank you for your time to read this

Age: 18-24
Months of MuttsWorld: 4
Teamspeak: Yes


Since you got l2d admin I haven't seen you on survival at all
I know I havent seen you, but I am on there random times. I understand and you have a valid point.
I'll simply put it as a no. You've hassled me for awhile to give my opinion, at first it was fine, then you became more persistent with it. I haven't said anything on your staff application for awhile as I was mostly indifferent if I needed to go this detailed. I likely didn't need to in depth as I did, but, anywho. Do not take this personally, this is as an observation of your traits and abilities that sum up to the potential for a moderator.

I am not saying no purely because you've bothered me about it so often. I have other reasons.

You may have convinced yourself that you can be a good moderator, but your challenge is to convince others. The behavior you have expressed to me within the past few months shows me that I don't think you'd cut it as a moderator. Also, your persistence with becoming a moderator, specifically on survival makes me question your true intentions. Ever since you've gotten ambassador you've been increasingly annoying about becoming a moderator, asking other moderators about their opinion of you when they really don't want to make a post for which ever reason. Don't take it personally that someone doesn't want to post on your app, everyone has there own reason, don't jump to conclusions.

I watched/listened to you on teamspeak and you would express your opinion on certain things like the promotion of other members of the community. The role of a moderator and the role of an ambassador are two different things. Finally with that said, doing your job as an ambassador does not mean a guaranteed promotion to moderator.

Moderating isn't just about using Logblock and ModTRS together, or watching WorldGuard for griefers. I tend to do semi-extensive analyzations of a person who is looking to become a staff member of Muttsworld. Teamspeak is likely one of the better/easier ways for me to do this. I tend to look for traits of this and that, I'm not going to go into every detail, but I look for things like professionalism, predictions of what you'll be like several months down the road of being a moderator.. yadayadayada... all that fun stuff.

Also, i'm sure once L2D picks up it will need more of your attention, would be better to focus onto one thing rather than multiple focuses of attention.

I haven't seen you on survival recently, if at all, I'm usually on Muttsworld nearly 24/7 on some sprints and whatnot.

TL;Dr: The vibe i get from you tells me that you are not suited for becoming a moderator on survival.
After reading tehsabbingslayer reply and gave it thought. I withdraw my application. I can't handle 2 server