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Hello, I am Notleks2001, I am here to tell you about my self and answer some questions you would ask in hopes of getting ambassador so I can help players, I am 17, I play on the server Survival, I am an active player, and i do try to help people when I can, yes I vote as well not very often tho, as you know or may not know is that I have been playing on this server for 6 years, I have only taken a few breaks to let my computer and I rest, yes I have team speak, Discord ,facebook, youtube, and any other needed software,I am a somewhat good builder, I also have somewhat good grammar in my opinion but thats for you to decide, yes I have diplomat and I do pay for it, I am also a good and respectful player and i'm always trying to be friends with everyone and the staff here to get to know everyone, well, I hope this information will help you get to know me more and to see I would be a good ambassador for the server have a nice day.



by-Notleks2001 :D

Diplomat: Yes
Vote: No
Age: 16-18
Months of MuttsWorld: 71
Teamspeak: Yes