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I'm Nobag (Norbert) and have been playing in muttsworld almost 3 weeks. I play to this server almost 12 hours everyday. I established a tower, and I have 6 unit with 2 friends active playing there. But the annoying thing is that some players keep on greifing others work, that what I hate that they don't respect other players. So I want to become a staff to give warnings especially to new players who are new to the server, teach them that greifing is bad, teach them to respect others work and teach them to become a nice players.


Age: 18-24
Months of MuttsWorld: 1
Teamspeak: Yes


3 weeks ain't enough time
12 hours each day? Holy shit.
Haven't seen you til yesterday when you were partying it up in the newest region. You still can warn them about griefing and whatnot, and you can still make modreqs to fix the grief. Plus 3 weeks is like, nothing. So, play a few more months then try again.
Too new
psh i clocked 30 days of game time over 75 days GOML
I live in the philippines so you may not catch me that time (",
I've seen you online, you have potential, just keep helping out players and don't get into the 'ambassador wannabe' mode.

I'd say give it some time and drink water.
maybe I want to be a Low Council