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Hello MuttsWorld's Admins! I am Nerdzer, I really love muttsworld's community and I'd love to help out. I will be applying for l2d, but if I can not get it on l2d, I'd like to be staff on Survival!


I will help MuttsWorld out by keeping people active and happy with the diverse servers Mumblerit has set up for us. I feel there is not enough staff on l2d, and I feel that I could be there just about everyday to help out.
I've caught hackers before on MuttsWorld and I've helped staff members get them on video.


If I became staff I'd report all bugs I see, deal with chat problems, and I'd just be good with the community and help out when a player needs my assistance.
I am a Diplomat, and I'm a old player I've been with MuttsWorld for quite sometime. I am mature enough to deal with situations that require staff's assistance.
Thanks for taking your time to read this application and I really hope I can join the staff community and help out!
I would love to help. :cool:
(Also just wanted to comment, I really love this server and I will be with it until it ends. This is one of my only servers that I legit like...)

Diplomat: Yes
Vote: Yes
Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 36
Teamspeak: Yes