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Hello MuttsWorld's Admins! I am Nerdzer, I really love muttsworld's community and I'd love to help out. I will be applying for l2d, but if I can not get it on l2d, I'd like to be staff on Survival!


I will help MuttsWorld out by keeping people active and happy with the diverse servers Mumblerit has set up for us. I feel there is not enough staff on l2d, and I feel that I could be there just about everyday to help out.
I've caught hackers before on MuttsWorld and I've helped staff members get them on video.


If I became staff I'd report all bugs I see, deal with chat problems, and I'd just be good with the community and help out when a player needs my assistance.
I am a Diplomat, and I'm a old player I've been with MuttsWorld for quite sometime. I am mature enough to deal with situations that require staff's assistance.
Thanks for taking your time to read this application and I really hope I can join the staff community and help out!
I would love to help. :cool:
(Also just wanted to comment, I really love this server and I will be with it until it ends. This is one of my only servers that I legit like...)

Diplomat: Yes
Vote: Yes
Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 36
Teamspeak: Yes


Are you a Diplomat?Diplomat Yes
Vote: Yes

Age: 10-16

Months of MuttsWorld: 36

Teamspeak: Yes


Hello MuttsWorld's Admins! I am Nerdzer, I really love muttsworld's community and I'd love to help out. I will be applying for l2d, but if I can not get it on l2d, I'd like to be staff on Survival!


I will help MuttsWorld out by keeping people active and happy with the diverse servers Mumblerit has set up for us. I feel there is not enough staff on l2d, and I feel that I could be there just about everyday to help out.
I've caught hackers before on MuttsWorld and I've helped staff members get them on video.


If I became staff I'd report all bugs I see, deal with chat problems, and I'd just be good with the community and help out when a player needs my assistance.
I am a Diplomat, and I'm a old player I've been with MuttsWorld for quite sometime. I am mature enough to deal with situations that require staff's assistance.
Thanks for taking your time to read this application and I really hope I can join the staff community and help out!
I would love to help. :cool:
(Also just wanted to comment, I really love this server and I will be with it until it ends. This is one of my only servers that I legit like...)

Click here to view the application

Hello Nerdzer,


I've merged your topics together. Next time, be more patient and wait for the forum to post and then refreshing, rather than hitting the post button again.

Good Luck.



Happy Easter