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Hi can I be staff I wont do any thing bad. :-P I'm 13 and very mature and very happy to help.

Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 1
Teamspeak: No


It says Essay:
That is not an essay, so no.

Age: 10-16

Months of MuttsWorld: 1

Teamspeak: No


Essay: I would like to be staff.

Click here to view the application
I would like us all to star on "Who Wants to Be a Millionare"

For $50:

Should Natzic become a member of staff on a random server?

Answer A: Choose answer D
Answer B: Choose answer D
Answer C: Choose answer D
Answer D: No.

choose answer d
Promising you won't do anything bad won't make you a mod. And stay in the server longer, they won't promote someone new.

I would like us all to star on "Who Wants to Be a Millionare"

For $50:

Should Natzic become a member of staff on a random server?

Answer A: Choose answer D
Answer B: Choose answer D
Answer C: Choose answer D
Answer D: No.

choose answer d

I don't want to be on the millionaire show.. I would like a million dollars though. Since my opinion on apps doesn't really matter very much i choose Answer E: No...
lol i freaking loled.
I can honestly say this is the single worst app i've ever read.
Did you write the opisite of what the mods/ admins are looking for?