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I Love This Server So Much and I Have been in it for so long and I wanted to try something new see I don't like greifing and I have been griefed in this server but I never reported it because clearly those people need the items more then I do so I thought maybe I can stop people from griefing by giving them a warning they have no choice but to stop and they don't listen then I have to ban them. but I really don't want to come down to that look I want to be a mod because I'm on 24/7 in this server and their are usually 1 or 2 mods at the time so I want to change that cause I would be like at 3 am playing so it be nice to help people because I love to help and that's all I want to do.

Diplomat: NO
Vote: Yes
Age: 16-18
Months of MuttsWorld: 24
Teamspeak: Yes