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hello my name is chirs im 18 turning 19 in November i jest started technical college am wanting to be come a ambassador i would be a diplomat but i am kinda in a bind with money do to me starting technical college i fell i have a lot to offer the them i have not used IRC be for but i learn fast and i can use it on a daily basis i do have teamspeak i use team speak in a different game i am in a leader ship role in a different game so i know i can be a good leader and make sure people abide by the rules of mutts world if u have any more Questions plz ask thank you and i hope u consider my app

thank you

Age: 18-24
Months of MuttsWorld: 2
Teamspeak: Yes


Good thing you're going to technical college.
I hope you enrolled in a few spelling and grammar classes.
yea i know my grammar is not all there ok. and i missed a few of my misspelled words when i was typing it up
and i would like to make one point be for u start to insult people (Dragonshear) about there grammar and spelling you don't know what kinda stuff and crap i have had to deal with in my life i was in foster care for over 6 years and i moved 8 times i was taken from my mom by the state because of my dad and i moved so i had to start in 4 new schools and make new friends every time so that's why there is gaps in my grammar and and spelling
I have a question, which server are you applying for? Using IRC is definitely a strong point, also i think you might need some more time on the server and forums. 2 months isn't enough to get to know everyone and for everyone to get to know you.
sorry about not specifying what server i am applying for survival and see were u are coming from 2 months not being enough time on the server
I HIGHLY doubt you're 18-24. With that spelling and grammar? Hell no.
and i would like to make one point be for u start to insult people (sammich98) about the grammar and spelling you don't know what kinda stuff and crap i have had to deal with in my life i was in foster care for over 6 years and i moved 8 times i was taken from my mom by the state because of my dad and i moved so i had to start in 4 new schools and make new friends every time so that's why there is gaps in my grammar and and spelling and if u would like me to make u look like a fool for assuming how old i am based on my spelling i will be more then happy to do that

and i would like to make one point be for u start to insult people (sammich98) about the grammar and spelling you don't know what kinda stuff and crap i have had to deal with in my life i was in foster care for over 6 years and i moved 8 times i was taken from my mom by the state because of my dad and i moved so i had to start in 4 new schools and make new friends every time so that's why there is gaps in my grammar and and spelling and if u would like me to make u look like a fool for assuming how old i am based on my spelling i will be more then happy to do that

How would any of that affect your grammar?

and i would like to make one point be for u start to insult people (Dragonshear) about there grammar and spelling you don't know what kinda stuff and crap i have had to deal with in my life i was in foster care for over 6 years and i moved 8 times i was taken from my mom by the state because of my dad and i moved so i had to start in 4 new schools and make new friends every time so that's why there is gaps in my grammar and and spelling

We have a variety of Trolls in this community <3. Being able to tolerate them and not take what they say to the heart is always a +. It is great you are going to college but I could not pin point anywhere in this paragraph why you should be chosen as a Chat Moderator. And unless you are on different times I have never seen you on IRC.

How would any of that affect your grammar?

Generally people who are thrown around like that don't do as well in school compared to people who are better off. Anyway, you have to use IRC, highly suggest getting on it.
thank you for understanding (Mad_skyler) and about the irc ill get on that
i can see that there a lot of trolls and i don't have a problem with that but its the fact that they dont know what some peoples back rounds are like and it can affect people differently that's all i was getting at
Merged your topics and deleted some of the extras. No use having two of the same. I don't know who you are so I have a null vote. Carry on.

i can see that there a lot of trolls and i don't have a problem with that but its the fact that they dont know what some peoples back rounds are like and it can affect people differently that's all i was getting at

In the internet world a Troll can careless about your history. You could have been beaten and abused your entire life and they would poke at those feelings to set you off. It will happen as long as you stay on the internet. Once you can learn that people are jerks and won't be nice to you because of your background you can let those comments just go by and don't pay any mind to them. Based on your responses towards other posters, i think maybe you should wait a little while and get used to people's attitude.
You don't take critasisim well.
well ill jest wait a little

and i would like to make one point be for u start to insult people (sammich98) about the grammar and spelling you don't know what kinda stuff and crap i have had to deal with in my life i was in foster care for over 6 years and i moved 8 times i was taken from my mom by the state because of my dad and i moved so i had to start in 4 new schools and make new friends every time so that's why there is gaps in my grammar and and spelling and if u would like me to make u look like a fool for assuming how old i am based on my spelling i will be more then happy to do that

Here's a period: .

Use it please so I can actually read what you're saying.
If I understand what you're saying, you're blaming your stupidity on a crappy life. Truth is bud, I know people who have it way worse than you do. Some of them are incredibly smart, despite having a crap life. There's a thing called spell check, which would help some even.
You don't even capitalize your letter I, I learned to do that in first grade
Some people have a different way of typing. I don't capitalize my i's in mid sentence either. No biggie. Stop trying to turn staff apps into a drama ridden annoyance. Thanks.

Some people have a different way of typing. I don't capitalize my i's in mid sentence either. No biggie. Stop trying to turn staff apps into a drama ridden annoyance. Thanks.

More then that, just an example

More then that, just an example





You can't complain about someones grammar and then fail to spell easy words.

You can't complain about someones grammar and then fail to spell easy words.

I messed up once and there are several errors in this application

I messed up once and there are several errors in this application

But it's not your place to say, nor does it have any difference with their application.