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Did you know we depend on your votes? Please Vote! http://goo.gl/RsLpq Vote Often!

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Hello!, My name is Alex (mccullochalex) and I have been a active player on muttsworld for quite some time now and I did take a break a couple months ago because of school and being swamped down with schoolwork but now I am back and have more free time then I can handle so I would like to put it towards aiding muttsworld's servers society and nature, I was recommended to take this test by spartagon a active ambassador on survival and creative and also a good friend of mine. I am good friends with several if not most of the mods who play on survival and all of the ambassadors know me very well, I am a generous member of the muttsworld community and host active events at my warp and friends warps to give away items or hold raffles, I have invested in muttsworld before for diplomat and land protection and I see myself doing so again in the near future. Cheers, -Alex

Diplomat: Yes
Vote: Yes
Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 48
Teamspeak: Yes