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So, I am applying for Survival because it's one of my favorite game mods, another reason is for the fact that I get to see a lot of griefing and I don't like the fact I cant do anything to stop the people. Anyways enough about that, I am a multi-console game, with and Xbox, Ps3, Wii, and 2 computers, I like to do mostly shooting games, but those always seem to find a way to anger me, then I just hop on Minecraft and build whatever I feel like building. I do go to school, so it starts back up in a bit but I do get out early everyday so that's a fun part. But other than that I don't do much else, lol. And that's pretty much it keep up the good work with the servers!

Age: 16-18
Months of MuttsWorld: 4
Teamspeak: Yes


This isn't exactly informative on why you would be a good member of staff.
I've never seen you in-game before

What I don't know:
-What position you're applying for
-If you know the duties of the position in which you wish to have
-If I've ever seen you in our Teamspeak server
-If I've ever seen you in our Irc channel

Because of those things, I'm saying No on a position in staff here.