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Hello I love this server and want to be more apart of this server and contribute to it more. I want to be an Ambassador and help newcomers, I always invite people to my towns and help give stuff for people that need it. I've played Minecraft for 5 years on Xbox, PC and, pocket edition. I'm in a Lego robotics league with my school and know java scripted. I'm a great builder.my grades are A's and 2 C's (in English and spelling) 8th grade and 13(well tomorrow I'm 14). I play Minecraft for 6-12 hours on this server. I was diplo and I'm going to get it very soon. I use teamspeak and hex chat (a IRC chat) to chat with friends on Minecraft. I make jokes with my friends and other; That's the only thing that can sometimes be bad but not usually.I applied a while back and wanted to update my application, because I have more experience and wisdom of the game and a lot of free time. I'm sorry for errors in this because I'm not very good at English please contact me at bobjimcross@gmail.com
Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Christopher (MASTER246C)

Vote: Yes
Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 8
Teamspeak: Yes