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Did you know we depend on your votes? Please Vote! http://goo.gl/RsLpq Vote Often!

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Just a quick note before I kick this; that time in months is a rough estimate... I know I was playing for a few months before I registered on the site, so I just added a few to that. Ha.

My name comes from when I used to play StarCraft as I made a lot of maps on there. I always used to mess around with the logical triggers in that game. In high school I did a lot of computer classes, learned some java, and really took off into the computer world. I joined the Marine Corps as a radio technician, and being in MARSOC, I trained into several different communications jobs (Network Administrator, Satellite Communications Specialist, Radio Operator, Wire Specialist, etc...).

What really caught my attention on Minecraft was the redstone. Having been playing since Alpha, the redstone work has definitely come a long way since then whereas my Dungeon that I built on L2D would not have been possible. In that time I've played on quite a few different servers. First was a mid-sized one that I ended up moderating for (only stopped playing because the owner had to close the server). I then went from server to server looking for the one that was "just right." Found a large server of which I won't name so as to not advertise... I thought it was right for me, but then the staff started to become really corrupt, unforgiving, and quite frankly, just mean. I ended up getting banned because I broke a block below me, lagged, and got banned by a bot searching for flying.

While I waited for my ban appeal to be looked at, I stumbled upon MuttsWorldMine. Ok... Large server... About the same as the last one... What made me stay loyal to MuttsWorldMine even after I got my ban revoked? Let's see.
  • They appeared to actually have a decent weeding process of their staff so as to not hire the ones like those who ridiculed me for supposedly hacking on the last server. ('Definitely give that one a plus.)
  • Auctionhouse? ++++++++++ Hahaha (I <3 me some auctionhouse =3)
  • A modreq system that actually works. (Huge one for me.)
I've come to really enjoy MuttsWorldMine's atmosphere and as such I'd like to contribute. Due to my financial situation I haven't been able to donate. :( I'll be getting out of the Marine Corps once I come back from this deployment I'm on, and me & my wife are in a bit of a tight spot. "In the mean time though!" Haha.

My schedule is really sporadic as I'm on call 24/7, but here pretty soon, I foresee my work really slowing down and having a lot of time for some Minecraft-ing.

I'm a pretty sociable person; I like helping out. I'm mature, and have a good tolerance for dealing with the general public. I have moderating experience, and have been playing for a long time on MuttsWorldMine. I'm ranked Resident2 on Survival, and ranked Builder on L2D. I pick up new things very quickly, and am very proficient at server commands, and, I think I would be a fine addition to your server's Staff. And, of course, if I'm not what you're looking for, no hard feelings; I'm still going to play on your amazing server just the same. =3

Please let me know!

Age: 18-24
Months of MuttsWorld: 15
Teamspeak: Yes


Though I've never seen and/or heard of you, I'm not in a position of power, and my opinion doesn't matter in the slightest, I +1 this.
+1 from me, you've been very helpful on L2D.
Nov 04 2012 02:30 PM
If i dont troll you it gives a plus one.
I Have not trolled you. Congratulations, First App to not be
I've never seen you before, but I like the app
I too don't think i have met you yet but i don't play L2D. Anyways this is a promising app, good luck sir. +1
Map was MIA for awhile, but has been back on a more consistent basis lately. He would be a good addition to staff.


Yep, haven't seen Map in forever since recently, but he's always been a level headed, stand up guy in my experiences with him.

+1 hes an awesome guy
Remember you from way back when map glad to see you around again. This guy knows what he is doing, I know that for a fact. +1
+1 for mod
your app needs to be moved to the staff app section in the "other" tab.
One of the first people I met when I joined the server. I have not talked to him in probably 8 months, but what few encounters I had when I was a noob were good. I don't really bother with apps but this one happened to be someone I knew. Down-to-earth guy is always a +1 in my book. ^_^
Thanks for the input & recommendations from everyone. :) I really appreciate it.
I honestly don't know Map_Designer very well, but I know he's been on the server for a long while and is quite dedicated

Map designer has shown great maturity and true respect and dedication to the way he plays on this server and how he treats the players. +1 from me.
And again--Thank you, thank you. Any input is highly appreciated.
+1 this app looks promising
Nov 17 2012 03:44 PM
I like how random people who have no idea who the applicant is gives their +1's just because people before them did.

Anyway, I really didn't talk to you a whole lot, but even with my limited experiences with you, I often wondered why you weren't already a mod.

Good luck with the application, I think you could handle it.
Thanks again for the input. 'Still love to hear a final word on this! ^.^
I don't even know this person but the app seems pretty good and they seem to be quite level headed.
so +1 from me also.


Whoa whoa whoa. Wait.

On Liime's you wrote


And on mine: