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Staff Application:

Muttsworld History:
I became apart of the Muttsworld community in early 2013 and have been apart of this community since May 2015. I have been online quiet frequently throughout my time of school and work and major events such as Easter and Christmas. Recently I have decided to create a new community town in the Survival server and are enrolling people fast to join! (Up till February 2015, I played in my old user Emma6320)

Reasons Why I should be elected to join Staff?
I certainly do believe that I would be make a great role model though out the survival server due to:
  • Being able to mange problems or troubles in a mature way and seek further attention if it is out of my hands.
  • The care and support I can show towards new members of the Muttsworld Community.
  • Lastly be able to help the new or old players make Muttsworld a frequent server.
My Availability times range for 5 (Being the minimum) to 12 (Being the maximum). If I am unable to attend the server in a case where I will away for more then one day I will contact a higher member and let them know. :)
  • Timezone: Australia, VICTORIA
  • Available through Team speak or Skype or any other Social Media content. (Full functional Mic)

I am 100% committed to what ever may come my way!

MadameCommander :-P

Diplomat: Used to be
Vote: Yes
Age: 16-18
Months of MuttsWorld: 26
Teamspeak: Yes