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Hello Everyone :)

So before i start this i would like to state that I had previously applied before for a staff job and was accepted but the application was not locked. I'm making a new one as I am not able to edit the original as i had permission problems when posting so therefore I am making a new thread for a new application. If this is not the right choice and I should go back to the original then I guess that's the case. If you would like to reference that application link right here: http://muttsworldmin...tionliimebloop/

As most people know, I have been an ambassador on the survival server for almost two months now, and as others know my goal in the end was to be able to moderate the survival server. On my previous application i was originally hoping for the job of moderator and most agreed but would like to see me as an ambassador first. I feel as if my time as an ambassador has proven successful and I have been able to preform that job to the best of my abilities. I have gained new people skills as an ambassador that i did not have before and it has been very beneficial.

As most people know I am 18, I am on IRC and Teamspeak whenever I can and that I have been playing on the survival server for about 14 months now.

My knowledge when it comes to plugins is pretty decent all though I'm not afraid to admit that I can learn more. I have bookmarks of all the plugins we use and try to learn inside and out of each plugin. I am quite knowledgeable when it comes to worldedit and I do know quite a bit about logblock, mcMMO, iconomy and all the rest of them.

People know me as laid back and fun to be with, but when it comes to serious matters i am able to handle the job that I am given. People say that I'm easy to talk to and looks like I know what I'm doing. I'm on Minecraft whenever i can. As i have said before i have no set schedule, no timezone. I'm on in the early morning, morning, day, evening, night and late night. Basically whenever I can, I'm on. (Actually a little aside I just set my record of 30 hours last weekend, no big deal). I'm decently active, love to snowboard and rock climb and well i'm a pretty all around guy. I believe that I should be a moderator because of the experience I have now had dealing with people, i am good at solving problems, efficiently and most of the time without error. I'm pretty organized when it comes to what I do i a very fast learner at almost anything. If there are any concerns with any of the staff regarding me becoming a moderator I will be happy to answer any question in a PM or even on the reply section below if necessary. If people believe that I have not had enough time as an ambassador and believe that I need more experience then so be it that's what I will do. All that being said I really hope that the staff of Muttsworld consider me for the job of moderator.

Thanks taking your time to read :)


Age: 18-24
Months of MuttsWorld: 14
Teamspeak: Yes


I acually belive u have been on for 14 months but not sure if u have used teamspeak?
Nov 14 2012 05:26 PM
Youve shown great effort in the application and you are on Alot, i have also noticed you alot on the teamspeak channels and
ingame and you manage the chats valouresly. Allinall, I think you deserve mod.
coming from another ambassador: I think he does a wonderful job as ambassador. He not only does his job well but he helped teach me some stuff about ambassador. I know ambassador and mod are two very different jobs but he has wonderful people skills and I often talk with him in teamspeak while we are on. +1 if it matters.
Yes, yes aaand yes.
Easily one of the ambassadors that should be a mod.
Can deal with trolls, is good with plugins and stuff and is pretty chill.
I have no doubts that you would be able to do a great job as a mod.
+Over 9000
i would say +idk how many im just a diplo :P
*or +99999999999999*
You just killed my language arts teacher dragon...

Chill guy, loyal to the server, plays a heap and can handle the position.
Almost always on, is great ambassador, and he's a really cool guy. I look forward to him recieving a promotion. +1
+ 1000
Since I come from PVP I can't give much feedback, but I would recommend becoming a bit more active on the forum if your applying for mod. Other than that nice application ;)
I want to thank you guys for all the positive feedback, it encourages me to do a better job and I really do appreciate it. :)
Cool, calm, collected.
When he picks up moderator, it will be a shock to no one.

Youve shown great effort in the application and you are on Alot, i have also noticed you alot on the teamspeak channels and
ingame and you manage the chats valouresly. Allinall, I think you deserve mod.

Please attend Math class.

+1+1 -1 +2 -3 +1 +5 +6 -11 = 1

:D (Nice guy to talk to, puts in tremendous effort in all that he does and keeps the chat well managed while he is online. I think he is able to do a lot of a better job as a moderator rather than not being able to do more than only moderating chat.) [Idk if that made sense but you get the point, lawl. I'm a li'l giddy @_@]
Nov 27 2012 01:41 PM
Ehhh, You get a +111
Your always On, Your very helpful in chat and you mute alot of peepls
(6784x3:45+785):1200 -> √ANS - 0.0154090582398581 = +1
^ logged in..... CONGRATS
about time :mrgreen:
you let him but not me?\




Congratulations on gravedigging someone else's app who (a) has already been made moderator and (B) is far, far more qualified for the job than you are
