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Hello everyone!

I would like to start off my application by stating that I would like to apply for moderator on the survival server all though based by the category this is place in that's kinda obvious. Over the pass couple weeks I have been really thinking about making this decision as I would really like to contribute myself to the Muttsworld community. Constantly I find myself sitting in one spot for hours on end talking to everyone in chat or when I can help people out and I would really like to make much more of a difference. Sometimes I do like to joke around as well but I keep my joking to a limit and I know how to control it.

Regarding Teamspeak and IRC. Every time my laptop is turned on I go on TS immediately, same with regards to IRC. Although I do not use IRC as much as Teamspeak, I am still on and I can still be contacted when help is needed.

As for my months spent on Muttsworld my account Liimebloop has been on since September 2011 but was only being actively used starting around early November 2011.

If you decided to check my forums account you will see that my birthday is on the 14th of September which is coming soon. Now normally I would not post this in a application like this because you could say your age and then say I will be (age) soon. The reason why I believe this is important is because I will be turning 18 which is normally the requirement for a moderator role.

Now concerning the plugins on the server. While thinking about making this application I decided to check out and study the plugins of the server. I understand the basics of some of the important ones (well ones that I believe are important) such as: WorldGuard, mcMMO, iConomy, LogBlock, PopDensity, Deadbolt and of course WorldEdit. I have actually used WorldEdit before Muttsworld so I have no problems with it. Along with that list of important ones I have taken the time to look at the simple plugins of Muttsworld and familiarize myself with them. If there are any other plugins that you would specifically like me to look at other then the ones that I listed off please let me know.

One of my long term goals was to in the end help out the Muttsworld Community as a whole. I believe the perfect way to do that is to become a Survival Moderator where I can help out as much as I can. Also sometimes playing Minecraft on a server isn't about playing Minecraft but rather having fun and helping out the community around it which is what I would much rather do then sit in one spot and talk to people in chat. Regarding times that I can be on, there really is no set times. I play in the early morning, morning, afternoon and evening basically i'm on Muttsworld whenever I can. If there are any concerns with any of the moderators regarding me becoming a moderator I will be happy to answer any question in a PM or even on the reply section below if necessary. Thank you for taking the time to read my application and I hope you consider me for the job of Moderator.



(note from cindy_k : due to forum permission troubles I had to post this for Liimebloop)

Age: 16-18
Months of MuttsWorld: 12
Teamspeak: Yes


Going to try and stay un-biased as he is a friend of mine, (one who owes me irl ice cream...). Anyways, I feel as though he could do the job, but it might be good for him to try ambassador first, and see how that goes. As far as I know, he acts like an ambassador when no others are on, and has often gotten me onto the server (calling me at one am <_< ) to deal with stupid people. He's easy to get along with and keeps his word.
tl;dr try ambassador first, but may make good mod.

Can I have ice cream now?
Try ambassador first dude :D
I have a little experience with Liime, and he seems like a great kid. Very helpful and quite to respond. Though maybe a little Ambassador time would be better, but it depends on what is needed more. For what it is worth, +1 to either mod or ambass, just depends on what is needed more.
Normally I would just edit this in but seeing as I did not have permissions to post well obvious statement is obvious. Today's my birthday so I'm now 18! :D Guess that means it would be 18-24 now for age? Not to sure how that works seeing as it goes 16-18 and 18-24. Also I might as well say this seeing as i'm posting anyways... thank you very much for the positive replies. :D
I think liime is fit for the job he is very helpful and is very nice, he would be great for both mod and ambassador like vodka said depends what is needed more +1 from me.
+1 from me