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Well you guys gave me a great experience and i would love to help out the community of mutts world survival. So please consider promoting Me as a Admin and i will work hard every day trying to keep mutts world a great experience for all. Thank you for your time.

Age: 18-24
Months of MuttsWorld: 12
Teamspeak: Yes


There is no way in hell you are 18-24
Thank you for posting 8 applications.

A few things I've noticed:

I've not seen you on Teamspeak before.
I've not seen you on Irc before.
Your first couple applications you chose 8 months of being on Muttsworld, then you changed to 12

This isn't acceptable, for anyone in the community: http://muttsworldmin...-me-in-private/

Posted Image

In response to whether or not I think it would benefit Muttsworld to make you staff?

Considering you like to grief other players' houses with TNT - I'm gonna have to say no.
I have no actual authority, but I would say "No." You cannot expect to automatically jump to an admin by asking. Please have some sense, this server has over 500 or so players on it, not a crappy little server with 12 people that play it. You have to commit yourself, be helpful, become known as someone who is trustworthy.... Nevermind. I'm not going to preach to you, you get the point. But this ruins any future chances you could have. And when applying for ADMIN, make your app more than 3 sentences.