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Hello, MuttsWorld!

My name is Louis Martin and I'm 13. I would like to apply to being a staff member for survival.muttsworldmine.com to help and have fun with fellow MineCrafters, build for the server and help out with plugins, kick/ban hackers, cheaters, mod users, fix griefs ETC. I DO have Skype but I rarely use it, only for emergencies, for meetings on the server and/or activities that are important. My username is thisismynameo_o for Skype. I have a Youtube account too but I only made music videos that aren't very good. If you would like I can advertise, updates and reboots. I was banned once because I was spamming too much. But other then that I have a good reputation on your server. I would be on almost everyday except for school hours, which is from 8:30 - 3:20. I have lots of experience on playing minecraft (since 1.3.2) so I can do a lot for you and your whole server. I do have a girlfriend so some of that time will be spent with her. I am sorry for that. If you find me doing something wrong/someone's complaining about me, please notify me at iambeastaclezz@gmail.com and put the subject on survival-mutts.

Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 7
Teamspeak: No


Oh and i forgot to mention that i have good internet too.

hahahahahahahahahaha you told me you were 20



nice try

Dude, when did i ever say that on my grave...? :P I never said that.

Playing minecraft and managing a server a two very different things. You might be ok for ambassador, but based on your reactions here, I would be concerned about how you might react to other players. I don't play survival so I don't know how you interact with players currently, but you should work on interactions with the Mods and Admins.

2013-08-31 19:50:50 [CLIENT] [INFO] [CHAT] LazerLou tells you:  is there a minimal amount of charcters on the essay
2013-08-31 19:50:57 [CLIENT] [INFO] [CHAT] you tell LazerLou:  what
2013-08-31 19:51:20 [CLIENT] [INFO] [CHAT] LazerLou tells you:  on the staff application
2013-08-31 19:51:25 [CLIENT] [INFO] [CHAT] LazerLou tells you:  ?
2013-08-31 19:51:42 [CLIENT] [INFO] [CHAT] you tell LazerLou:  if you arnt 18 don't even bother with an application
2013-08-31 19:51:54 [CLIENT] [INFO] [CHAT] LazerLou tells you:  why
2013-08-31 19:52:13 [CLIENT] [INFO] [CHAT] you tell LazerLou:  18 or over 18. and because i said so
2013-08-31 19:52:26 [CLIENT] [INFO] [CHAT] LazerLou tells you:  im 20 dude
2013-08-31 19:52:34 [CLIENT] [INFO] [CHAT] you tell LazerLou:  then you are old enough to figure it out
2013-08-31 19:52:48 [CLIENT] [INFO] [CHAT] you tell LazerLou:  tell enough so we know enough about you
2013-08-31 19:52:49 [CLIENT] [INFO] [CHAT] LazerLou tells you:  ok then... i will figure it out
lying twice is not a good start to your impression on us.

i did say i was 20...? but i put 13! how could that be possible!

If you lied to SABBING, lol I swear it actually spell checked into caps on my iPod, but anyway -1 for lying to SABBING

I didn't lie... I swear

You know. I can see the report.

How could you mistype 13 and 20!

Maybe he was born on 1/3 and he's 20. See, it all pieces together!

hahaha, no im 13 dude, i was typing on my ipod and playing on my laptop... and it auto corrected... :P

but then again i did NOT say 20

It doesn't auto correct numbers .__. Nice try

yes, it does my ipod does for some reason

TheTiGuR I do have good listening skills, good attitude, good building skills, good answering skills and I do not disrespect anyone on the server unless they do so themselves against me. I don't swear at all, I'm strictly against racism and sexism. I do not accuse people for nothing, unless they grief, hack, swear too much and/or cheat. If I do become a mod, which probably won't happen because of someone I do not want to mention, I would greatly appreciate it and will use all of my skills of all of the above and some that I have not yet added in.

I would put this server on YouTube to make it more popular for you guys though.

TheTiGuR I do have good listening skills, good attitude, good building skills, good answering skills and I do not disrespect anyone on the server unless they do so themselves against me. I don't swear at all, I'm strictly against racism and sexism. I do not accuse people for nothing, unless they grief, hack, swear too much and/or cheat. If I do become a mod, which probably won't happen because of someone I do not want to mention, I would greatly appreciate it and will use all of my skills of all of the above and some that I have not yet added in.

What the hell is this meant to show? OH I KNOW YOU ARE TRYING TO COPY SOMEONES APP SO YOU GET STAFF!

Why dost thou neglect thy edit button, and replace it with foolish spams on your own application.

TheTiGuR I do have good listening skills, good attitude, good building skills, good answering skills and I do not disrespect anyone on the server unless they do so themselves against me. I don't swear at all, I'm strictly against racism and sexism. I do not accuse people for nothing, unless they grief, hack, swear too much and/or cheat. If I do become a mod, which probably won't happen because of someone I do not want to mention, I would greatly appreciate it and will use all of my skills of all of the above and some that I have not yet added in.



You were doing ok up to the end of that first line. When you can deal with someone being a jerk to you without being a jerk in return is a good skill to have. Also, getting snippy because you were called out on what appears to be a lie is NOT the fault of someone you won't mention. Regardless, you say you are 13, and maturity needs to be worked on, so I'd give up on this app and try again later (as in months) and you may stand a better chance. 



fuck it. You know what? Fuck it. I'm just going to be normal and not say anything about this to any of my friends, and tell them that muttsworldmine.com is the best website ever!

fuck it. You know what? Fuck it. I'm just going to be normal and not say anything about this to any of my friends, and tell them that muttsworldmine.com is the best website ever!


lolwut? ok