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Im killdog9912 I would love to become a staff member. I play all the time and I would love to help more out in this server. Im really nice and kind I help ever one I own a hotel that im trying to make a warp at. MY gramer is ok but not to ok.

I would love this job im diplo.

Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 5
Teamspeak: No


You need to state what you are trying to be.... I'm guessing it Ambassador? But i wouldn't know...

Mmmmkay if you want to be a staff member and you would love to help more you can start right now! You don't need to be staff to be helpful!. I wouldnt say youre helpful like you say you are. But if spamming my chat with crap about fighting at CBA is helpful then my life is a lie. If it was between a helpful person and someone who is not. Well I mean which do you think we are going to pick.

So help players, greet new players, keep it real