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I know that I have been jailed 2 times and have annoyed many Moderators, however I have changed from when i first started. I know how to use almost all the plugins and have been an admin on a small time server. On there I found i was bored because there was nothing to do and Rollback on Lb didn't work well at all. I have banned, kicked, jailed and muted players. Also I created many of the Arenas on it and made spawn and the rules. I know some staff on here may not like me but i am hoping they give me a second chance. Thanks for reading this and I trust you mean just regular chat by IRC? By the way I think it has been ruffly 5 months since i started playing on MuttsWorld.

Thanks for reading my Application.

P.S. The commands for a server are all known to me in case i didn't state that.
Please give me a chance and I promise I wouldn't let you down.

Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 5
Teamspeak: No


IRC is the talking service that we use on the site here.. Not regular chat. ---> http://muttsworldmin...ecraft/irc.html
Ah right thanks.
I'll check it out:P
Im guessing this is for survival?
Yup :)
I'm sure half the mods don't even know every command, I highly doubt you do. But regardless, do these:
1) Full command to roll back the player PotatoCoffeeCreamer who griefed 6 hours ago
2) Full command for getting to page 11 of the modreqs
3) Full command to completely roll back the player TomatoTofuBurger
4) The command to get the bedrock tool
5) The command to turn off the bedrock tool
6) The command to slap player BillyBobJeanTheSecond very hard without alerting the server
7) The command to create a hollow sphere consisting of 1 part glowstone, 1 part sponge, 1 part yellow wool, 1 part sandstone, and 1 part obsidian that is 14 blocks in diameter.
8) The block ID's of the following: TnT, Levers, Stone, and orange wool. (This is not necessarily a command, but you should know these since you know "EVERY" command, knowing "EVERY" includes every possible combination of one command.)
9) The command to make your pickaxe shoot lightning bolts.
10) The command to mute a player named FluffyNuts in Global chat.
11) The command to make a player no-longer a noob.
12) The command to make a player talk in local chat
13) The command to promote a player named AlphaDogCatGondola from the rank of Noob to Resident, using PEX
14) The command to give a player named BicycleHornYawn the permission i.know.every.command
15) The command to teleport every player, at once, to a given location
16) The command to give every player a block of dirt, at once.
17) The command which allows you to make other players say what you type (Hint: Not MobDisguise)

Since you do not know the password, you do not know every command. Do all of these anyway.
Wait we can give ourselves bedrock?!
When i said every command i didn't mean EVERY single command memorized, sorry for any misunderstandings however I will try to answer them as well as I can.
Also please note I meant commands from the server I am admin on:
1. /lb rollback player PotatoCoffeeCreamer 6hours
2./check 11
3. Not sure sorry.
4. Same as 5.
5. /lb toolblock [on|off]
6. Never had the command on the other server.
7. /hsphere glowstone,sponge,yellow_wool,sandstone,obsidian 14
8. TNT-46
Orange Wool- 35:1
However you can also do
TNT- tnt
Lever- lever
Stone- stone
Orange Wool- orange
By which i mean just write them.
9. I'm not quite sure about the pick however to use lightning I do /lightning or /smite
10. /mute fluffynuts global
11. /manuadd [playername] resident
Or /leave noob [playername]
12./ch l [playername]
13. Same as 11 aka /manuadd [playername] resident
14./manuaddp BicycleHornYawn i.know.every.command
15. /tpall
16. Not sure.
17. /force [playername] [message]
18. Not sure.
Also if i need IDs I can just check a website.
I hope that makes you see that I know a good few commands but not all. :)
I just asked my friend to check it to see if i messed up somewhere and he said I used groupmanager instead of PEX so sorry for that.
1) Wrong
2) Wrong
3) Wrong
4) Wrong
5) Correct
6) Wrong
7) Wrong
8) Correct
9) Wrong
10) Correct
11) Wrong
12) Wrong
13) Wrong
14) Wrong
15) Wrong
16) Wrong
17) Correct
18) Wrong

Could you tell me the answers please for the ones i got wrong BrownBiscuit? I'm just wondering what they are.
1) /lb rollback player potatocoffeecreamer area 30 time 7 hours
2) /check p 11
3) /rbp tomatotofuburger
4) /lb tool
5) /lb tool off
6) Multiple answers for this question: slap [-s] [-h|-v] [-d]
7) //hsphere 1%glowstone,1%sponge,1%yellow,1%sandstone,1%obsidian 7
8) anyone can google this
9) /thor e.g /thor mad_skyler would give him the ability to do it
10) You got this one right
11) /denoob *name*
12) /fl *name*
13) /pex user AlphaDogCatGondola group set Resident, i don't really understand this as there is no rank of noob.....
14) You're not going to need this.
15) /bring *
16) /give * 3 1
17) Well there's /force or to spam the server there's another command which i'm not going to tell you ;)
18) The password is ojmtisanoob, everyone knows this