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I'm going to keep this normal as possible as I can. i don't think anything about being rejected its not bad at all i just wanted to apply for survival mod even though i just join survival i like the idea of survival. I'm very interested in helping the server. I would help and no give out even if the try to pay. not sure is you guys will accept this but I just wanted to let u guys know that your server is great but there are some difficulty's.

Diplomat: NO
Vote: No
Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 24
Teamspeak: No


Hey there! I recommend applying for Survival Ambassador before Mod.

Also, when you're done with your essay, I suggest reading through it and editing it before you submit it. Also - if there are some difficulties that you are seeing with the server, why not provide the difficulties and tell us what you're going to do to fix them!


Next application, make it longer and appeal to us more? Why should we put you on the team?


Good luck,
