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Hello my ingame name is hugill and I would like to apply for Ambassador on MuttsWorld Survival. I like to help others in chat and try hard to keep server wide channels spam free. I have a great time helping out new players, I often find myself going to new regions and helping someone new to the server with plugins and such. I enjoy my time on teamspeak (and would like to spend more time there if not for my noisy family). I know most of the commands in mumblechat that are required to know like /fl *name* /mute *channel* *name* and /denoob *name* I also know most of the commands for deadbolting, auction, teleporting and many more. As an American living in the European timezone I noticed that when I’m online there are usually aren't any staff members. I could definitely fill this gap. I play at least 2 hours a day. I think I would be a great Ambassador, please consider me for this position on MuttsWorld Survival.

I look forward to your response,

Thank you.


Age: <10
Months of MuttsWorld: 7
Teamspeak: Yes


Just to clarify: Hugill is NOT just 10 years old.. that's a mistake when entering it:
"I am already stressing out. I put my age as ten I am not ten I am 13 D: and it looks iffy now "

And he already behaves more mature than a lot of people on the server which are several years older thean him do. So just like with Sammich, I think he could be a great ambassador even if he is under 15. Because he is friendly and very helpful (often went to new regions to help out there), and he also understands or wants to know enough about the game to be able to help players with more complicated things/plugins (the mumblechat ambassador commands above, I taught him since he wondered about them, for example. Not many would think about learning them even before applying for ambassador).
Thank you the comments are appreciated.