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Im 11 and I love this server.I have a youtube channel that I make videos for the server at www.youtube.com/user/TheNetherNerds2 .Im a gamer,nerd,and chemist.I "work" with my other friend, noodleboy12345/max on our "Company" TheNetherNerds2. We also have a website: www.thenethernerds2.yolasite.com and a twitter: https://twitter.com/...herNerds2.Thank you for your time.

Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 2
Teamspeak: Yes


I had  higher amount of months I just cannot remember but I know I was on for at least 2

You don't really tell us any of your qualities for why you would be good for staff. Instead of explaining why you can do the job of whatever you're applying for, your app seems to be more of a self-promotional post...

Please, this is for staff applications, not for advertising your YouTube channel.

I understand that you want to help the server on another level, however, we feel that its better you continue being a player instead of moderating chat. Assuming Muttsworld is still alive in 3-4 years I see that you have a good potential for becoming staff. Thank you for your interest :)

Am I able to just like take this down?

Im a chemist.

Haha lol