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Alright, I have been on muttsworld since FOREVER, and I would like to be among the honored positions of a mod, admin, or somebody with creative. APPARENTLY all mods do is shock ppl and slap them :). Mods say "Y U NO PLAY CREATIVE IF U WANTS IT??" Creative is boring unless other ppl cant have it. Also, the map isn't superflat. Also, I can protect my land and have no more griefers. Love u guys, hope u see this.

Age: 16-18
Months of MuttsWorld: 4
Teamspeak: No


Age: 16-18

Months of MuttsWorld: 4

Teamspeak: No


Essay: Alright, I have been on muttsworld since FOREVER, and I would like to be among the honored positions of a mod, admin, or somebody with creative. APPARENTLY all mods do is shock ppl and slap them :). Mods say "Y U NO PLAY CREATIVE IF U WANTS IT??" Creative is boring unless other ppl cant have it. Also, the map isn't superflat. Also, I can protect my land and have no more griefers. Love u guys, hope u see this.

Click here to view the application

And i wants to be a mod and talk and do cool stuff and make ppl happy and make my house awesome.
If you think that's all a mod or admin does, you're sorely mistaken.

From this, I say no.
Im pretty sure forever is a lot longer than 4 months...
Posted Image
You think all they do is slap and shock people.

Rather short app, no TS or IRC. I haven't ever seen you online, your app does not say why you would be a good mod. And first of all, I'd apply for ambassador if anything. 4 Months is NOT forever and your app was double posted - either lag or lack of paitience. I'd say a solid No.
Moderators don't usually have the command to shock people. >,<
TeamSpeak and IRC are a must! Find out what a moderator actually does because they don't just slap the hell out of players. Find out what they do and at least know 90% of the commands they use on a regular bases.
When you have done all this then try again and make an application.

This is garbage and you should feel bad.
Absolute crap. That's all this is. You're definitely NOT 16-18. You don't even know what mods do! You clearly just want mod/admin for the perks for creative.
Your app sucks.
You answered yourself by saying this:


I thought i commented on this app already... De ja vu, anyway take what everyone above me said, and multiply it by six.
I thought you were temperarily banned on the survival server...
If you want to be a mod, I suggest getting IRC and/or TeamSpeak. And don't use "U" or "ppl" in your essay, it makes you look very bad. 4 months is not forever. .

The app is crap, let a good chap slap you with a baseball cap.
people who have been banned for spam don't get staff rank
There's a creative server btw...

big NO + hands down!

Hammy. I've been on for maybe 2mo. Tops. Surfing the forums half that. Are u trolling? Awful app. Probably should of takin your app more serous to avoid the ridicule. Sorry bud.


Hammy. I've been on for maybe 2mo. Tops. Surfing the forums half that. Are u trolling? Awful app. Probably should of takin your app more serous to avoid the ridicule. Sorry bud.

Denied due to obvious reasons.