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Hello my name is Kama South and I live on the island of Oahu. Just a little bit about myself, I like to play baseball and I find it really fun to play, in 2015 my baseball team won the all state championship. That was such a milestone for me. I also like to surf. I find surfing really fun because I get an adrenaline rush when I catch waves. My in game name is Grom808. Im 16 years old. The first time I joined Mutts I got Welcomed by all the nice players, I felt like i belonged here. I have been on Mutts for about 3 years now and I believe that I can make this server a better place. I am applying for Ambassador on survival. I am a Permanent Diplomat and voting almost everyday. My previous name on Mutts was OBEYxHAWAIIx. I am not proud of how I handled things, how I acted, and how I treated many players. Although I can assure you that I have matured extremely. I am a whole new person then before. Anyways, I have seen that Survival has had a restart. I have been trying my best to keep players calm and let them know why it was reset and how they can get the old map downloaded. Im mostly on everyday after school and occasionally on the weekends. I am also active on teamspeak. I have been always been there for people that needed help. I like to chat with players and make new friends. I have met so many kind people on Mutts on I'm proud to call them friends. I have been an Ambassador on kit pvp and prison. I am aware of all the legend chat commands. I try my best to keep the chat clean. The reason why I am applying for ambassador is because I want to guide people in the right direction. I have many of suggestions on how we can make this server a better place. I showed a couple of my colleagues this server and they like it. Lately I have been more active on Mutts then ever. I am not sure if staff is needed but I am up for the job. Thank you for your time viewing my staff app and I hope you guys can revisit me as a staff member. -Grom808

Diplomat: Yes
Vote: Yes
Age: 16-18
Months of MuttsWorld: 48
Teamspeak: Yes


I've never seen you online, but I don't play survival much.
You seem like a good helper.
It's mature of you to call out your mistakes.
3 times 12 is not 48.
Good luck.