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Hello, I am GreenChaChing, and my favorite server to play on is survival muttsworld. It has a great community, staff and a very fun, yet simplistic gameplay unlike any other server. I believe in a fair and justice gameplay for everyone. I would love to become a mod because I would like to help others and play muttsworld like never before. I feel like many people know me on the server and trust me. If i become a mod i will try to be as fair as I can to other players and will not abuse my power thank you for reading this and I hope you consider me to be a mod. Thank you.

Age: 16-18
Months of MuttsWorld: 9
Teamspeak: No


Age: 16-18

Months of MuttsWorld: 9

Teamspeak: No


Essay: Hello, I am GreenChaChing, and my favorite server to play on is survival muttsworld. It has a great community, staff and a very fun, yet simplistic gameplay unlike any other server. I believe in a fair and justice gameplay for everyone. I would love to become a mod because I would like to help others and play muttsworld like never before. I feel like many people know me on the server and trust me. If i become a mod i will try to be as fair as I can to other players and will not abuse my power thank you for reading this and I hope you consider me to be a mod. Thank you.

Click here to view the application

Age: 16-18

Months of MuttsWorld: 9

Teamspeak: No


Essay: Hello, I am GreenChaChing, and my favorite server to play on is survival muttsworld. It has a great community, staff and a very fun, yet simplistic gameplay unlike any other server. I believe in a fair and justice gameplay for everyone. I would love to become a mod because I would like to help others and play muttsworld like never before. I feel like many people know me on the server and trust me. If i become a mod i will try to be as fair as I can to other players and will not abuse my power thank you for reading this and I hope you consider me to be a mod. Thank you.

Click here to view the application

Age: 16-18

Months of MuttsWorld: 9

Teamspeak: No


Essay: Hello, I am GreenChaChing, and my favorite server to play on is survival muttsworld. It has a great community, staff and a very fun, yet simplistic gameplay unlike any other server. I believe in a fair and justice gameplay for everyone. I would love to become a mod because I would like to help others and play muttsworld like never before. I feel like many people know me on the server and trust me. If i become a mod i will try to be as fair as I can to other players and will not abuse my power thank you for reading this and I hope you consider me to be a mod. Thank you.

Click here to view the application

Age: 16-18

Months of MuttsWorld: 9

Teamspeak: No


Essay: Hello, I am GreenChaChing, and my favorite server to play on is survival muttsworld. It has a great community, staff and a very fun, yet simplistic gameplay unlike any other server. I believe in a fair and justice gameplay for everyone. I would love to become a mod because I would like to help others and play muttsworld like never before. I feel like many people know me on the server and trust me. If i become a mod i will try to be as fair as I can to other players and will not abuse my power thank you for reading this and I hope you consider me to be a mod. Thank you.

Click here to view the application

Age: 16-18

Months of MuttsWorld: 9

Teamspeak: No


Essay: Hello, I am GreenChaChing, and my favorite server to play on is survival muttsworld. It has a great community, staff and a very fun, yet simplistic gameplay unlike any other server. I believe in a fair and justice gameplay for everyone. I would love to become a mod because I would like to help others and play muttsworld like never before. I feel like many people know me on the server and trust me. If i become a mod i will try to be as fair as I can to other players and will not abuse my power thank you for reading this and I hope you consider me to be a mod. Thank you.

Click here to view the application

Age: 16-18

Months of MuttsWorld: 9

Teamspeak: No


Essay: Hello, I am GreenChaChing, and my favorite server to play on is survival muttsworld. It has a great community, staff and a very fun, yet simplistic gameplay unlike any other server. I believe in a fair and justice gameplay for everyone. I would love to become a mod because I would like to help others and play muttsworld like never before. I feel like many people know me on the server and trust me. If i become a mod i will try to be as fair as I can to other players and will not abuse my power thank you for reading this and I hope you consider me to be a mod. Thank you.

Click here to view the application
I merged all you spam staff apps. Based on what I see I say no.

I'm sorry, but I don't feel like you'd make a good addition to the staff team.
Try being active in TS & IRC and being a bit more active on the forums.