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I've been on the server for a few years, around 6 roughly. This is my favourite server, and has been for a long time. Sometimes I have bad connection to the server for reasons, but I usually try and come on when I can. Holidays, being the main time I'm on the server. I can speak a few languages, but only roughly. I am a duck. Every time I log in, I always ask people how they are, being friendly is fun, since the internet can be funner and better to be more social on since real life can be hard on you. Back to the point, I would really like to be a staff member on survival, being a resident for so long can be rather boring and I want to step up and be more useful.


Thank you in advance for reading and all, have a nice day! :D

Diplomat: NO
Vote: No
Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 74
Teamspeak: Yes


I don't know who you are and I've been here for about that long or longer. Do normally stick to just one server and maybe I haven't spotted you? Maybe you are on a different time zone from EST and are on when I'm not?


Kind of a bummer that you've been with us that long and are only just now joining the forum community.


Also, you can be "useful" without being staff. In fact, when considering people for positions we look to see if they were willing to help BEFORE they got a position, rather than only BECAUSE they're applying.


Read this and edit your application (DO NOT FILE A NEW ONE): bit.ly/MuttsApply