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Did you know we depend on your votes? Please Vote! http://goo.gl/RsLpq Vote Often!

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Important Information -
+ When I first purchased Minecraft on PC, it was very plain and dull to what it is now! My friend first introduced me to the Multiplayer Server Called Muttsworld! I will admit that before I join the Muttsworld community I had no idea was a Multiplayer server was... I soon learned the important skills and traits you need to succeed in a game like Minecraft.

Why I would Like to become a Staff Member? -
+ After playing the incredible server and watching it grow over the years of my time here, I eventually came to the agreement of trying to create a Staff Application. I love to help out the Muttsworld community and become someone who used to help me figure out the basic mechanics of the game. I will offer my 24/7 experience and continue to help and grow the Muttsworld Community. :-P

Thank you for your time and Hope to see you around,
- Emm :mrgreen:

(P.s Keep up the good work :D)

Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 23
Teamspeak: Yes


Firstly, What server are you applying for?
Secondly, I have never seen you on. I don't know if it's just cause I'm mainly on creative & survival or what. But yeah.
Try to get your name out in the community some more.
You have a nice app going on.
I've never met you, so I don't know how you act in-game.
As I'll leave that to someone else to comment.

Anywho, good luck!
She's apply for survival.

I do see you help in chat whenever you are on, however, I don't see you on often.

That's my only problem.