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I joined MuttsWorld when i first got minecraft 14 months ago and i played on hear for over 5 months, but uncomfortably one day i got banned for "suposedly" hacking worldedit and importing a castle that took me over 2 weeks to build and took around 17 dubble chests of stone and cobble to make, i understand with the size of it you would have had suspitions but anyhow, ive always loved this server and when i got banned i was quite sad so i rage-quit minecraft, so to speak for many months, only thiese past 2 month i have came back and started to learn Java programming and i tested me skills on making minecraft plugins for bukkit, many of them i leased to servers (names disclosed) and one or two wear just experiments like messing with minecrafts gravity(witch was patched in 1.2 :/ ) but now im looking to settle back down hear and help out the server in any way that i can with my new found knolage in server management, plugin making skills and overall bukkit functionality. i hope you have time to review this "Essay" and to hopefully hear back from you asap :)
yours sensirely John Green (ED_RockStarGuy)

PS. in this application i don't mined what staff position i possibly would get, i just want to help out on this grate server that i have missed for so long :)

Age: 16-18
Months of MuttsWorld: 14
Teamspeak: Yes


Ok woah, slow down and make your sentences shorter. Based on the spelling too, I highly doubt you 16-18 years of age. *supposedly* *double* suspicions* *these* *were* *which* knowledge* *sincerely* *mind* *great* *chrome*. Also, which server and what position were you asking for, and why would you if you were banned?
This story is the biggest load of bullcrap I have ever heard or witnessed.

This story is the biggest load of bullcrap I have ever heard or witnessed.

This story is the biggest load of bullcrap I have ever heard or witnessed.

how do you hear text, please teach me your ways
also: it's a no from me

how do you hear text, please teach me your ways
also: it's a no from me

can i learn too?
Hey guys, I'm probably not saying you should pick him as staff or anything like that, but to you people who are laughing at his spelling and grammar, think twice before judging. John (ED_RockStarGuy) is Dyslexic.
^ yes i am, and also im not lieing, everything i spoke of is true, sure i may have dyslexia and speech problem, but in the end of the day im not letting it get me down and i am trying for this and i am dedicated to prove myself and my worth to your server.
No one is commenting on your ability to spell.

Ok woah, slow down and make your sentences shorter. Based on the spelling too, I highly doubt you 16-18 years of age. *supposedly* *double* suspicions* *these* *were* *which* knowledge* *sincerely* *mind* *great* *chrome*. Also, which server and what position were you asking for, and why would you if you were banned?

he did :/
A Dyslexic ambassador would be silly.

he did :/

If they don't have "staff" under their name, their opinion doesn't matter.
Essay: I joined MuttsWorld when i first got minecraft 14 months ago and i played on hear for over 5 months, but uncomfortably one day i got banned for "suposedly" hacking worldedit and importing a castle that took me over 2 weeks to build and took around 17 dubble chests of stone and cobble to make, i understand with the size of it you would have had suspitions but anyhow,
you never ever had the ability to do this, you're thinking of the wrong server

only thiese past 2 month i have came back and started to learn Java programming and i tested me skills on making minecraft plugins for bukkit, many of them i leased to servers (names disclosed) and one or two wear just experiments like messing with minecrafts gravity(witch was patched in 1.2 :/ )
bullshit or post code.
Last 1.2 patch was well over 5 months ago.
If I have to explain further than you're an idiot

Also how does somebody whos dylexic code worth a damn
post coad no sweat hear you go this is a Anti Swear plugin for 1.3.2:
Main Class:
package me.ed_rockstarguy.antiswear;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.command.Command;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.plugin.PluginDescriptionFile;
import org.bukkit.plugin.PluginManager;
import org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin;

public class main extends JavaPlugin
public static main plugin;
public final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("Minecraft");
public final ServerChatPlayerListner PlayerListener = new ServerChatPlayerListner(this);
public ArrayList<String> activePlayers = new ArrayList<String>();

public void onDisable()
PluginDescriptionFile pdfFile = getDescription();
this.logger.info(pdfFile.getName() + "is now disabled");

public void onEnable()
PluginManager pm = getServer().getPluginManager();
pm.registerEvents(this.PlayerListener, this);
pm.registerEvents(new ServerChatPlayerListner(this), this);
PluginDescriptionFile pdfFile = getDescription();
this.logger.info(pdfFile.getName() + "version" + pdfFile.getVersion() + " is now Enabled ");
if (!new File("plugins/AmtiSwear/config.yml").exists())

public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command cmd, String lable, String[] args)

if (cmd.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("antiswear"))
if (args.length < 1) {
sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Usage:/Antiswear [Help, On, Off, Info]");
return true;
if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("info")) {
sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Made by Usedcomdom (ign ed_rockstarguy) Version 2.0");
return true;
if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("help")) {
Player player = (Player)sender;
ChatColor RED = ChatColor.RED;
ChatColor BLUE = ChatColor.BLUE;
player.sendMessage(BLUE + "#####################" + RED +"Page 1/1" + BLUE +"#####################");
player.sendMessage(RED + "/Antiswear info" + BLUE + "-- Displays info about the plugin");
player.sendMessage(RED + "/Antiswear On " + BLUE + "-- Truns on the plugin functionality for the command sender");
player.sendMessage(RED + "/Antiswear Off " + BLUE + "-- Truns off the plugin functionality for the command sender");
player.sendMessage(RED + "/Antiswear Help " + BLUE + "-- Displayes help info for the plugin");

return true;

if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("off"))
if (!(sender instanceof Player)) {
logger("The antiSwear Disable/enabler can only be used ingame");
return true;

Player player = (Player)sender;

String playerName = player.getName();
if (this.activePlayers.contains(playerName)) {
player.sendMessage(ChatColor.DARK_RED + "You don't have AntiSwear enabled");
return true;

player.sendMessage(ChatColor.BLUE + "AntiSwear Dissabled");
return true;

if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("on"))
if (!(sender instanceof Player)) {
logger("The antiSwear Disable/enabler can only be used ingame");
return true;
Player player = (Player)sender;

String playerName = player.getName();
if (!this.activePlayers.contains(playerName)) {
player.sendMessage(ChatColor.DARK_RED + "You alredy have AntiSwear enabled");
return true;

player.sendMessage(ChatColor.BLUE + "AntiSwear Enabled");
return true;

return false;

private void logger(String string)


package me.ed_rockstarguy.antiswear;

import java.util.List;

import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
import org.bukkit.event.EventPriority;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
import org.bukkit.event.player.AsyncPlayerChatEvent;

public class ServerChatPlayerListner implements Listener {
public static main plugin2;

private main plugin;
public static boolean kick;
public ServerChatPlayerListner(main instance)
this.plugin = instance;

@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGH)
public void onPlayerChat(AsyncPlayerChatEvent chat) {
Player player = chat.getPlayer();
String mesage = chat.getMessage();
String message_lower = mesage.toLowerCase();
ChatColor RED = ChatColor.RED;

if (plugin.activePlayers.contains(player.getDisplayName())){



String englishmessage = plugin.getConfig().getString("EnglishMessage");
String germanmessage = plugin.getConfig().getString("GermanMessage");
String croatianmessage = plugin.getConfig().getString("CrouationMessage");
String dutchmessage = plugin.getConfig().getString("DutchMessage");
String frenchmessage = plugin.getConfig().getString("FrenchMessage");
String spanishmessage = plugin.getConfig().getString("SpanishMessage");
String swedishmessage = plugin.getConfig().getString("SwedishMessage");
List<String> English = this.plugin.getConfig().getStringList("English");

for (String english : English)

if (!message_lower.contains(english.toLowerCase()))
player.sendMessage(RED + "[AntiSwear] " + englishmessage);


List<String> German = this.plugin.getConfig().getStringList("German");

for (String german : German)

if (!message_lower.contains(german.toLowerCase()))
player.sendMessage(RED + "[AntiSwear] " + germanmessage);


List<String> Croatian = this.plugin.getConfig().getStringList("Croatian");

for (String croatian : Croatian)

if (!message_lower.contains(croatian.toLowerCase()))
player.sendMessage(RED + "[AntiSwear] " + croatianmessage);


List<String> Dutch = this.plugin.getConfig().getStringList("Dutch");

for (String dutch : Dutch)

if (!message_lower.contains(dutch.toLowerCase()))
player.sendMessage(RED + "[AntiSwear] " + dutchmessage);


List<String> French = this.plugin.getConfig().getStringList("French");

for (String french : French)

if (!message_lower.contains(french.toLowerCase()))
player.sendMessage(RED + "[AntiSwear] " + frenchmessage);


List<String> Spanish = this.plugin.getConfig().getStringList("Spanish");

for (String spanish : Spanish)

if (!message_lower.contains(spanish.toLowerCase()))
player.sendMessage(RED + "[AntiSwear] " + spanishmessage);


List<String> Swedish = this.plugin.getConfig().getStringList("Swedish");

for (String swedish : Swedish)

if (!message_lower.contains(swedish.toLowerCase()))
player.sendMessage(RED + "[AntiSwear] " + swedishmessage);

if (this.plugin.getConfig().getString("Alow_Kicking").equalsIgnoreCase("true")){





now who is speaking bull shit?
And Dragonshear it seems like you don't fully know what dyslexia is, the forum of it that i have, i cant recall spellings of words and some forums of grama. furthermore, there is a think called referencing, when i right coad i save it into a file and right its uses for further reference, so before you come on hear and try and belittle me try to get your facts straight! im sick of dumb people like you thinking you know everything, ive worked hard at collage sofar to learn what i have about coding and im not going to let you put me down on a application that i knew i had a 1/5000000 chance of getting in. *rant over*
Upon searching bukkit.org, I see that you have, in fact, posted this plugin there.
Unfortunately it looks like you just copied a plugin by the exact same name and added fluff to it. :(
Applying just to apply really doesn't show you're ready for the position. Most people that get ambassador/moderator are basically that before they even get it, they aren't applying and crossing their fingers. Also, why don't you use spell check or have someone check over what you type, if you wish to appear professional? It doesn't really matter what excuse you got, it looks bad to have strings of improper grammar and spelling.
Dragonshearu may not realise but i am the author of the plugin and if you look at the description ive added you a message to prove to you it is my account :P, + i did not add fluf to it, that is my recent build of my plugin. http://dev.bukkit.or...wear-1-0-1-3-1/
Posted Image

Since you are dyslexic and also evidently incapable of reading, I will take this in baby steps.

1) You copied another player's plugin (and kept the exact same plugin name)|
2) You changed the name of very basic things to include your name
3) You filled notepad file with a bunch of fluff so it appears slightly different from the original.
4) You claimed it's your own.

That, my dear sir, is theft and plagiarism.

Feel free to download and compare the two plugins here:

Also, I find it mildly insulting that you dare continue to lie to me, I can and will find every scrap of information I can about you if you provoke me to do so. I already have more info than you'd be comfortable with me having. Do not continue lying to me.
I find it incredibly disturbing, that you sir, are so rude in your manner, towards John.
I was talking to him, and as a matter of fact, was sitting right next to him, as he was coding.
You should not be so ignorant, and believe him in the fact that he made this.
Just because he is dyslexic doesn't mean he can't code.
And just because you AREN'T Dyslexic, doesn't mean you have judgement and what you say goes.
You may have found that there are two plugins called AntiSwear. However, how can you prove that he copied it?
Before you go shouting abuse at my cousin and friend, think about what you say and provide some VALID evidence.
And more importantly, get some people skills.
dude im not lieing, obviously you are incapibal of figuring this out for your self, but you need someone with a learning difficulty to point it out, so how dear you.
The fact that you're arguing shows that you are not suitable for this role.
I will lock, and deny, this if you continue.
im not trying to argue but its the fact he is accuseing me of lieing and sparckeling up a "copyed" plugin just makes me mad, he needs to realise maby 2 people thought of the same plugin
If you get so mad so easily, this position is not for you.
Application Denied.