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Hello! Its __DudeItzLeah__! I want to be a staff member beacuse i love to help new people out and i feel like I'm entertaining. I dont take stuff too seriously unless its a real problem. If someone asks for help i well get to them ASAP. If someone is in need i will for sure help them. If anyone wants to know something or asks for advice I will cover that for them. I love playing around on survival, I'm on survival ALOT unless survival is down or I'm on vacation or busy in real life. I'm usually on daily and that is my MuttsWorld survival application, I hope for an answer, if its not accepted that's okay! I just want to have fun and make people happy :)

Diplomat: Yes
Vote: Yes
Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 20
Teamspeak: No


So in what way is pitching a fit about a staff decision (the reset of Survival) something that qualifies you for a staff job? This is not snarky or sarcastic. I'm posing a serious question.

Also read this: bit.ly/MuttsApply

​You know, I am over that, I love my new farm :)

​You know, I am over that, I love my new farm :)

Good that you love your new farm, but this is an application thread... not your post from the Survival forum "Story + Awnsers Needed"

Are you a Diplomat?Diplomat Yes
Vote: Yes

Age: 10-16

Months of MuttsWorld: 20

Teamspeak: No


Hello! Its __DudeItzLeah__! I want to be a staff member beacuse i love to help new people out and i feel like I'm entertaining. I dont take stuff too seriously unless its a real problem. If someone asks for help i well get to them ASAP. If someone is in need i will for sure help them. If anyone wants to know something or asks for advice I will cover that for them. I love playing around on survival, I'm on survival ALOT unless survival is down or I'm on vacation or busy in real life. I'm usually on daily and that is my MuttsWorld survival application, I hope for an answer, if its not accepted that's okay! I just want to have fun and make people happy :)

Click here to view the application
I mergered your applications together, next time please edit an already existing application or reply to the forum, do not make a new thread.
I do believe your new application has improved since your last one, although it is still missing some things.
I suggest you read this: http://bit.ly/MuttsApply

Happy 4th.