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Obviously I'd need to learn more about what all this entails, but I enjoy Minecraft. I'm a big Redstone user. My current fascinations are flying machines, and the applications they can be used for. I greatly enjoy Muttsworld, and for whatever reason am never able to make small projects while on the server, only large ones. Sadly the month's I've been with Mutts world is not consecutive. My friends, and I switch between several games, but we always seem to circle back to Muttsworld.

Diplomat: NO
Vote: Yes
Age: 24+
Months of MuttsWorld: 24
Teamspeak: Yes


You enjoy mutts? That's awesome!

Do you enjoy reading aswell? Cause Im really advising you to read this little guide! "Application Guide"


Enjoy the lecture and if you ever feel like creating a new application, please reply down below, instead of creating a whole new thread.