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Hey, I am Dleyda, but my real name is Nathan Stanley, my friend had given his account to me since he never played the pc version and whatnot. Anyway, I am filling out this form because I would like to have Administrator on this server. I would use it to help people out and keep the chat nice and calm. Now what I'm about to say will sound like I'm trying to get on your good side to get said admin privilege, but I guarantee that this is not the case. I have went server to server trying to find a decent one. After many failed attempts, I came here. I can honestly say this is the most fun I have ever had being in this server, and especially the nice staff. I promise that I will never grief, but I will help people take down their builds only if asked to do so. When I turn 16 in August, I will be able to get a job and support this server in any way possible, and yes, that includes getting permanent diplo+. I would just like to get to know everyone on this server better and hopefully become friends with most, if not everyone on this entire server, except pvp, there's no time for friends in pvp, lol. Also, what I would really like to see is a factions and prison servers added on this server. I would definitely never stop playing minecraft then. I'm sure that this is a more than sufficient essay, so to speak, and I hope to hear from you soon. Thank you for taking the time to read my submission as I can tell you took time out of your busy day so you could read this submission.

Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 8
Teamspeak: Yes


IRC is required for any staff.

also you may want to start with ambassador and diplomat.

Thoughts on the account, I've never seen you, however I'm 95% PVP

so This is possible you're never on the other servers when I am.


Concerns would be, that you friend probably has access to the account still, and in a staff role, we want people to have full access of their account and be the only on using it.

What Matty said. Lol.