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I Think that I should Be a Staff Because I Like To help people and talk with people and help with problems :-P.

sometimes I help new people On How to save your house and all that stuff. And I never been a Staff, mod, Or any

Of that stuff So This Is my chance To Be A staff.And It Makes me sad when people greif Peoples Houses :cry:

And I really want to be staf not Just to teleport places Help People, Help people with greifers
And Stuff.

Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 6
Teamspeak: Yes


And I really want to be staf not Just to teleport places Help People, Help people with greifers
And Stuff.

You know, if i were a mod hiring someone to help control the chaos on a server that is among the best, I don't know if i would hire someone who uses this line in their "resume". You should try to be a little more in depth with your essay, fix spelling or grammatical errors, and have a little more information about yourself.

I am a pretty avid player both day and night and i don't recall seeing you on IRC or in game (I don't really use TS), maybe try standing out more in a good way. Help direct the noobs to the path of enlightenment. Good luck!

Age: Young(<10)

Months of MuttsWorld: 4

Teamspeak: Yes

IRC: Yes

Essay: First of all I never been an staff and i'd like to Help stop greifing,hacking,Swearing All that stuff.
I like to make Houses,Pistons doors,All that cool stuff but its not fun when it gets Destroyed,greifed or even
water greifed.I know that a lot of people are staff but hard to choose each Player.
I never done an essay like this before but I like too help people that need help.
And i don't own a server but i would want too test my Helping skills :mrgreen: :mrgreen: .

Sincery DenisRLG2002
P.S Thx for Reading :mrgreen:

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Not a significant enough presence if this is for survival.
I rarely see you on survival, but if i do ever see you on you are not helping out in chat. I have seen you in teamspeak and IRC a couple of times though. I do doubt that you have been on the server for half a year, i have not seen you on, you need to get known in the community and be helpful in all chats.
Who are you?
And what is this bad application?