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Hello and thank you for reading my application for staff
I play alot on this server but now i already have alot of stuff and i think it will be fun to help other people also become really good and make it more fun for them too and help them when they get stuck.
i have some experience with commands and coding. i try to be on the server every day but sometimes school gets in the way(hey that rimes)
i am staff on some other games servers and would like to be a staff in this game too.
thx for reading!

Diplomat: NO
Vote: No
Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 4
Teamspeak: Yes


application above this was accidently made

application above this was accidently made

Hey! We talked about the glitch on survival, no worries. I fixed them up, now there's not five separate posts. Anyways, application! It's an okay application, but I'd like to mention, if you're staff on other games as of right now, is this really a good decision? Being staff on any server takes commitment, and usually you'll have to focus all your time on being staff. Multiple staff positions on different servers can be a problem, and a handful. Although your application is okay, it still needs improvement. Tell us more about what you can do for players. Maybe read this, process it, and apply it to the next application.


Best of luck,


i edited my application now :D