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Did you know we depend on your votes? Please Vote! http://goo.gl/RsLpq Vote Often!

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Hey guys, I have been a survival player for a long time and I want to make a difference in the community. I am very active on forums ( at least 6 times a day) and check up on posts daily. I am 14 years old and live in the EST time zone. I cannot be on in the mornings on weekdays and usually active 10AM-12PM on the weekends, unless I'm busy. I am an active gamer and game on a wide variety of consoles and computers. I have computer experience and i can greatly help almost anyone with a tech problem. I am not shy and i would love to interact and make connections with players. If there is something I can do, I would always try to be the first man. I have learned about programming, although it's not my best skill.



See you in the future
-The777nexus (DaNexus)


P.S. My name is DaNexus but I am planning to change it back to The777nexus ASAP

Diplomat: Used to be
Vote: Yes
Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 52
Teamspeak: No


I see you rarely on the server, but when I do you're helping. Keep it up mate.

- ModernArnis
[Survival Moderator]

Even though you've told us a lot about yourself, you should probably read this bit.ly/MuttsApply , and include how you are going to help the server, whether it's command knowledge, or giving tips to the players. 

I have seen you on survival, and you help when it's needed, but is Survival Ambassador the position you are looking for? Make sure to include that in a future application, if made.

Also, as you are saying that you are "very active" on the forums, you have 4 posts, and one of them is this application. I would like to see some more people on the forums. 

Good Luck.

So i'm not fit? I just got back on the server.