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Did you know we depend on your votes? Please Vote! http://goo.gl/RsLpq Vote Often!

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My name is Kiara. I am 17 years old. Female. I was born in raised in Newark, NJ. I am African American. I am employed. I plan on going to college, doing culinary arts, to be an executive chef. I quit minecraft for maybe 2 years, due to school, really stressful. I am now back.I love to play games, roblox and minecraft is all I play. I love candles. I love to help others. I am respectful, encouraging, and I am always positive.

Diplomat: Used to be
Vote: No
Age: 16-18
Months of MuttsWorld: 37
Teamspeak: Yes


Howdy! Congrats for your.. life achievements!

Anyway.. This essay requires you to mention.. WHY should you be selected, to be a staff member, not the information mentioned by you above.

If you're really intrested in becoming a staff member, here's a list of things that could improve your actual chances:

1 - Read this guide "Application Guide" and Apply the information found within it to your application.

2 - Atleast mention what server you're applying for...

3 - Try to be more active in the community, make yourself noticed as being helpful.


If you're feeling like creating a new application, please do not create a whole new thread. Instead EDIT the already existing application or REPLY down below with a new one. Thanks.

you sound like a cool cookie