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Hello, my name is Isaac and I'm a 16 year old male. I know what you're thinking right how could a 16 year old have a name like "Cutey56" that doesn't make sense. I'll tell you the story in short, my last account got lost due to the switch Mojang did a while ago and I could never get it back. The name of my old account was Noasaac if you wanted to know. Now that I've explained that I would like to tell you about myself a little. In my free time I get from school I love playing video games and running for Cross Country. I am a very active person/player and try my best to include everyone in conversations and activities. I first started playing Mutts when I was 11 years old and had met someone who played minecraft. We started talking a lot and he showed me Mutts and told me how his dad was an admin and helped Mumble quite a lot. A year or so later he moved on and I kept playing for a while after. Eventually I stopped and moved on for a bit doing different things like League of Legends and Gmod. A while went by and I stopped playing those games as much and moved back to minecraft to start playing Mutts again. That is a 5 year story in a very short and brief explanation, if you would like to hear more then feel free to talk to me on survival I am always willing to talk to people, welcome them and help them in survival or any other gamemode on Mutts. That is basically all about me, not a very interesting 5 year story but definitely was fun in the moment. Make sure to come and play on survival to meet me, and have a great day everyone!

Diplomat: NO
Vote: Yes
Age: 16-18
Months of MuttsWorld: 36
Teamspeak: Yes