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Well, when I first started playing minecraft (Way back in 1.7), my friend (Whom I recieved my gift-code from) showed me this server, which I instantly loved.
I played the server every day that summer, loving it, I made a file on my laptop called servers (Because there wasnt a server list back then), and put this IP adress on it.
During the school year I sold the laptop to a friend, forgetting all the servers I loved were listed on it. My friend moved. After a couple months I went to visit him and he was on that laptop, still cleaning all the crap I had on it off, I helped him, and we encountered my server list... (I was so nostalgic). I instantly scrawled the IP down and ran home, very happy, I punched it into my keyboard, and found Minestatus (Or similar website) and got your website from there. I registered,and now I'm doing this.

I am an experienced minecraft player in general, good with disciplining people accordingly (Not too harsh,yet enough so that they won't do it again) have administered on multiple servers such as: mc.cowpi.co:60000
scpvp.dyndns.org mc.plugpayplay.com, and I used to be trusted on thebigdig.co.us!

I am mature, and honest. Overall, I think I would make a good Better moderator than alot of the ones you have


Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 12
Teamspeak: Yes


Advertising and insulting staff in one application?

I am mature, and honest. Overall, I think I would make a good Better moderator than alot of the ones you have

Insulting my staff is the best worst move you can make when making an application.
You have not proven anything to us yet.

Oh and I censored the addresses from your application.
You're welcome. :D
Posted Image
Sammich, you have no idea how much I laughed when I saw that picture
so, advertising, insulting the staff of the best server i have ever experienced, probably 12, most likely not actually using IRC and Teamspeak...

New Mumblerit

so, advertising, insulting the staff of the best server i have ever experienced, probably 12, most likely not actually using IRC and Teamspeak...

New Mumblerit

You should stop posting. /advice
#YouGotSlayedMoreThanADragonInSkyrim. #LongHashTag #NrokinSmells #<3
Locked for it's fail, flame, spam and sillyness potential.