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Im 20 years old. Im not 100% sure how long I been on this server I know it was w my ex gf so be at least 2 yrs ago possibly even 3 because when we broke up it was a yr before i got on here and now been 8 more months so total of 24 plus 12 then 8 so like 44 months total. May be off on math. I started building the same build as before but thinking of turning it into a museum w every admin/mod/ambassador and of course mumbleritt statues of each player. along w farms and redstone storage areas players can rent. Along w a massive hotel built inside the museum for players to rent regular rooms and even sizes of a base. This is of course going to take a long time. May not even finish it before map resets again but I will try my best. I love to help players whenever they need it and hope to be great help to this server.

Diplomat: Used to be
Vote: Yes
Age: 18-24
Months of MuttsWorld: 44
Teamspeak: Yes