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Position: Moderator

I've been playing MMO's since before they had graphics (MUDs) back in my college days. I've worked as a support analyst at varying companies over the last 10 years.
I played WOW for 8 years, and Meridian 59 http://en.wikipedia....iki/Meridian_59 before that.

I really enjoy the atmosphere that Muttsworld has, the smaller community feel vs the huge MMO.
I know some of the WorldEdit and PermissionEx commands. I am confident I can learn any of the commands necessary to moderate effectively.

I tend to be on the server during the week at around 6am EST which is often a time when there are no moderators available.
During the week, I am not available from 7:30a - 5:00p EST due to being at my job.
I do play in the evenings and on the weekends at least 20 hours a week.

While I am not currently on Teamspeak, I can get a new headset (the ferrets ate the last one) if it is necessary.

Thank you for your time and consideration,
Cindy K

Age: 24+
Months of MuttsWorld: 6
Teamspeak: No


No feedback on your application yet you are already staff :/

Is where you can find some of her feedback, not as if it matters now as she's already promoted :P
Welcome aboard, sailor
programmers who produce plugins move up fast

programmers who produce plugins move up fast

And may I say an absolutely brilliant plugin at that - well done for making such a great chat plugin Cindy!