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Hello MuttsWorldMine! ChristoX24 here! :)

I've been playing on this sever for several months and I have learned a lot about it. I found out that this server has rank upgrades, so I looked in to all of them and ‘ambassador’ seemed to have summoned me.

I hate to see all the players who spam, swear, bypass, etc, and I would like to help! If I were an ambassador, I promise to help and respect people 24/7, despite the fact that I am online all the time! :)

It would be an honor to be an ambassador to me! :)

Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 10
Teamspeak: Yes


I have not ever seen you in chat and do not recall your name.Your application is not terrible.The one big issue is that you only have one post which means you only made this profile to post this application. Get more involved in the community and try to help out in chat as much as possible.


-Ambassador hugill

I'm fairly certain that seeng ambassadorship as a "rank upgrade" pretty much seals your fate...

I'm fairly certain that seeng ambassadorship as a "rank upgrade" pretty much seals your fate...

True dat.

Seen you on, not all the time, an definitely not helping all the time. I have learned that just playing the game and helping people to help is more than fun enough, you might do the same.